Multiple baselines on gantt chart

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  1. maron, Member


    Is there a way for me to have multiple baselines on a gantt chart....

    select 'dbr.chart','gantt';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'gantt.dateline', now();
    select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline',, planned_start, planned_end
    from shifts s
    inner join employees pe on s.planned_employee =
    where planned_start between inDate and DATE_ADD(inDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY);
    select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline_pattern.color', '0x1B32C4'; /* Switch to new color for orders - overlaying the baseline above (but shorter intervals) */
    select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline',driver, received_time, delivered_time
    from order_data
    where received_time between inDate and DATE_ADD(inDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
    order by driver, received_time;
    select, clock_in, ifnull(clock_out, GREATEST( planned_end, least(now(), addtime(now(), '23:59:59')))), 'actual'
    from shifts s
    inner join salaries.employees pe on s.actual_employee =
    where planned_start between inDate and DATE_ADD(inDate, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
    and clock_in is not null;

    I would like the gantt chart, with 0 to many shifts as the gantt bars, 1 to many shifts on the first baseline, and then short baselines in dark blue showing the time the orders are with drivers.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The baselines are drawn as single layer. All baselines share the same colors. We can take a look if they could be separated. It would require the gantt.baseline_pattern.color and gantt.baseline_text to include the text to which baseline the options are applied to.

    myDBR Team


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