Some Chinese character cannot be displayed and shown as "?"

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jasmondluk, Member

    Is there anything we can do so that we can show the Chinese character correctly? Thanks.

    select '', 'Detail payment';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Fee type';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Pay type';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Teacher';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Classroom';


    select 'DBR.crosstab' as 'DBR.crosstab', 'Pay type' as 'Pay type';

    select 'DBR.hsum' as 'DBR.hsum', 'value' as 'value';

    select 'DBR.sum' as 'DBR.sum', 'value' as 'value';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Received by', 'Total';

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Detail payment';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from Jul-21, 2023 to Jul-21, 2023 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)All' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ),arckeys)';

    select 'dbr.css', '.content {zoom: 0.7;}';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Pay date', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Entry time', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Center', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Student', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Contact', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Name', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Schedule', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Enrollment/Sales remarks', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Account code', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Received by', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Course/Product', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'From', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'To', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Payment remarks', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Receipt remarks', 'text';

    select 'dbr.footerstyle', ' border: 1px solid gray;';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Pay Ref', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Entry time', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Student', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'ID', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Contact', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Course/Product', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Name', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Schedule', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:200px;max-width:200px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Class no.', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Payment remarks', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray; max-width:200px;max-width:200px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Receipt remarks', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray; max-width:100px;max-width:100px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Enrollment/Sales remarks', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Account code', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Pay date', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'From', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'To', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Received by', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.hidecolumn', 'Date';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', '[value]', '[border: 1px solid gray;white-space:pre;color: black;]%.2f;[border: 1px solid gray;color: black;]%.2f;[border: 1px solid gray;color: red;]%.2f';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 80;
    select 'dbr.wkhtmltopdf', '--margin-left 5 --margin-right 5 --margin-bottom 5 ';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Cash', 'Cheque', 'Transfer';

    select '4902677' as 'Pay Ref', cast('2023-07-21' as date) as 'Pay date', '2023-07-21 14:48:15' as 'Entry time', '陳卓? Chan Cheuk Hei' as 'Student', 'KC003127' as 'ID', '85296500651' as 'Contact', 'S12E' as 'Course/Product', 'S1.2E 中一英文專科( S1.2E)' as 'Name', '(New) 逢三,五 6:25-7:25 | 31646' as 'Schedule', '10' as 'Class no.', '2023-07-26' as 'From', '2023-08-25' as 'To', '' as 'Payment remarks', 'sum齊,ef' as 'Receipt remarks', '' as 'Enrollment/Sales remarks', null as 'Account code', 'Elaine' as 'Received by', 'Cash' as 'Pay type', 1500.0 as '[value]', cast('2023-07-21' as date) as 'Date'
    union all
    select '4902678', cast('2023-07-21' as date), '2023-07-21 14:48:15', '陳卓? Chan Cheuk Hei', 'KC003127', '85296500651', 'S12M', 'S1.2M 中一數學專科( S1.2M)', '(New) 逢二,四 19:35 | 31647', '10', '2023-07-25', '2023-08-24', '', 'sum齊,ef', '', null, 'Elaine', 'Cash', 1500.0, cast('2023-07-21' as date)
    union all
    select '4902679', cast('2023-07-21' as date), '2023-07-21 14:48:15', '陳卓? Chan Cheuk Hei', 'KC003127', '85296500651', 'S12M', 'S1.2M 中一數學專科( S1.2M)', '(New) 逢二,四 19:35 | 31647', '8', '2023-09-05', '2023-09-28', '', '9月齊,ef', '', null, 'Elaine', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2023-07-21' as date)
    union all
    select '4902680', cast('2023-07-21' as date), '2023-07-21 14:48:15', '陳卓? Chan Cheuk Hei', 'KC003127', '85296500651', 'ID', 'Student ID Card 學生證', '0', '', '', '', '', 'sum齊,ef', '', null, 'Elaine', 'Cash', 30.0, cast('2023-07-21' as date);

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from Jul-21, 2023 to Jul-21, 2023 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'To define summer course or related product, put the keyword \'Summer\' in the remarks of the course or product setup' as 'To define summer course or related product, put the keyword \'Summer\' in the remarks of the course or product setup', 'comment' as 'comment';

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Fee Type';

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Date', 'Total';

    select 'DBR.sum' as 'DBR.sum', 'Course fee' as 'Course fee', 'Product fee' as 'Product fee', 'Total' as 'Total';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.hdr', 'Date';

    select 'dbr.summary.options', 'limit_summary_level', 0;
    select 'dbr.summary.options', 'skip_single_line_summary';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Summer/Non-Summer';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select cast('2023-07-21' as date) as 'Date', 'Non-summer' as 'Summer/Non-Summer', 4230.0 as 'Total', 4200.0 as 'Course fee', 30.0 as 'Product fee';

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 50;


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from Jul-21, 2023 to Jul-21, 2023 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Pay Type';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Pay type';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[value]';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Total';

    select cast('2023-07-21' as date) as 'Date', 'Total' as 'Pay type', 4230.0 as '[value]'
    union all
    select cast('2023-07-21' as date), 'Cash', 4230.0;

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 50;


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from Jul-21, 2023 to Jul-21, 2023 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Teacher';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Teacher (1st class teacher at pay time)';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[value]';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Total';

    select '', 'sp_DBR_payment_received_teacher_details', '[value]', 'popup', 'Center=(in_centerkeys)', 'inDate=Date', 'inDateType=(as_datetype)', 'inArcKeys=(arckeys)', 'inTeacher=Teacher (1st class teacher at pay time)';

    select cast('2023-07-21' as date) as 'Date', '家朗' as 'Teacher (1st class teacher at pay time)', 2700.0 as '[value]'
    union all
    select cast('2023-07-21' as date), 'Total', 4200.0
    union all
    select cast('2023-07-21' as date), 'TBD', 1500.0;

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 50;


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from Jul-21, 2023 to Jul-21, 2023 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Classroom';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Classroom (1st class classroom at pay time)';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[value]';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Total';

    select cast('2023-07-21' as date) as 'Date', 'Total' as 'Classroom (1st class classroom at pay time)', 4200.0 as '[value]'
    union all
    select cast('2023-07-21' as date), 'B 旗艦總校', 1500.0
    union all
    select cast('2023-07-21' as date), 'A 旗艦總校', 2700.0;

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you are using MySQL/MariaDB, make sure you are using the utf8mb4 charset. Older versions defaulted to utf8mb3 (mistakenly called utf8), which only has a maximum of 3 bytes per character. Characters requiring 4 bytes were not handled properly.

    To make sure your connection is using utf8mb4, add following line to mydbr_config.php:

    define( "DB_CHARSET", 'utf8mb4' );

    mYDBR Team

  3. jasmondluk, Member

    Thank you


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