wkhtmltopdf deprecation

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. astroshark, Member


    I was just curious if there was any plans to move to a different product other than wkhtmltopdf like Weasy. I see that the last release for wkhtmltopdf was in 2020 and a blog post was made basically saying the package is no longer maintained. I don't know if there is a security issue there to continue using this product if it is no longer maintained?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Yes, we will eventually replace wkhtmltopdf. For now, it serves the purpose well, as it offers the needed functionality (JavaScript support, content zoom to fit, customizable headers/footers, easy installation, etc.). The downside is that the JavaScript engine does not support ES6, thus limiting some JS-generated content. The security for wkhtmltopdf depends on the content, and myDBR safeguards the content by default.

    Weasyprint will likely be an alternative (no JavsScript support though), and it can be offered as an option you can choose based on your report.

    myDBR Team

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR 6.7.1 includes preliminary support for using weasyprint instead of wkhtmltopdf for PDF exports. Note that weasyprint does not offer JavsScript support (it simply ignores it).

    To try the weasyprint PDF export, use option:

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'pdf', 'weasyprint';

    myDBR Team


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