
(2 posts) (2 voices)
  1. cris, Member

    Hello, I saw support for Weasyprint in the latest release. I did some preliminary research, but didn’t see anything in the documentation yet. How does this compare to wkhtmltopdf? How is it better / different? How can I start checking it out?

    Thanks, wkhtmltopdf definitely has limitations and I’m excited for a potential alternative.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Both wkhtmltopdf and Weasyprint excel in HTML to PDF conversion.

    Weasyprint, a Python-based tool, is actively developed. In contrast, wkhtmltopdf relies on the older QT Webkit and is no longer under active development.

    While wkhtmltopdf supports JavaScript (though not the latest ES6), Weasyprint is a pure HTML/CSS to PDF converter.

    You can test PDF exports for your reports with both wkhtmltopdf and Weasyprint, as they can coexist in the same setup. myDBR utilizes Weasyprint if the option:

    select 'dbr.export.options','pdf','weasyprint';

    is specified, or if Weasyprint is the only one installed.

    myDBR Team


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