Automatically toggle row/column and auto-hide the parameter section when opening the report!

(5 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. vannc, Member

    Dear team!

    I have a task: "Automatically toggle row/column and auto-hide the parameter section when opening the report!"
    Do I need to customize CSS, or is there any default function/option for this?

    Thanks team!

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The parameter section is hidden by default. It is shown when you use the command.

    You can toggle the rows/columns with dbr.toggle -command and set the default state with JavaScript. See the documentation.

    myDBR Team

  3. vannc, Member

    Thanks team!

    JavaScript I am using:

    SELECT 'dbr.javascript', '
    $(document).ready(function() {

    Best regards:

  4. vannc, Member

    Dear team!

    After using the above code, it automatically toggles the row/column and auto-hides the parameter section when opening the report, and the Sparkline works fine. However, when I click the button again, the Sparkline works incorrectly, only showing in the acc_header row.


    Thanks team!

  5. vannc, Member

    Oh, I know that. The sparkline has not finished loading yet.


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