Fatal error: SourceGuardian Loader - Protected script's checksum error

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  1. vannc, Member

    Dear team!

    I clicked the update, then got a 504 Gateway Timeout error. After that, I saw this error. How can I handle this?

    Fatal error: SourceGuardian Loader - Protected script's checksum error. Probably the encoded file was modified. If this script requires a license file in order to run, this error may be caused by an invalid license file. Please install an original unmodified file or contact the author of the script to get the original file or a license file. Error code [12] in C:\xampp\htdocs\mydbr\lib\db_connection.class.php on line 9

    Thanks team!

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Perhaps a corrupted file. Try re-downloading the myDBR.

    What is the PHP version and SourceGuardian Loader version you are using?

    myDBR Team

  3. vannc, Member

    My installed php-version: PHP 8.2.12 and SourceGuardian Loader version: 14.0.3

    Please help me find the fastest way to fix this :( Do I need to reinstall myDBR from scratch?

    Thanks team!

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The downloadable version has no problems. Looks like you have a corrupted file.

    Please follow the instructions in the documentation for a manual update.
    myDBR Team

  5. vannc, Member

    "Reporting database ('mydbr') version (6.9.1) does not match the application version (6.9.2). Quitting.
    Set define( "SETUP_DONE", false ); in mydbr_config.php to complete the install process.

    Re-running the installation will not touch your existing reports/data."

    Do I simply need to follow the instruction 'Set define( "SETUP_DONE", false )'?

    Thanks team!

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Your database version is older than the newly downloaded application version

    Set the SETUP_DONE to false and the install process will update the database to match the application version.

    myDBR Team

  7. vannc, Member

    Thanks team!

    Best regards:


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