Filtering issue - row missing (which should match the filter) after filtering

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jasmondluk, Member

    On the first tab "Detail payment"
    Step 1. filter "Pay Ref" by entering "5454080" - you should see 1 row is returning which is normal
    Step 2. filter "Receipt remarks" by entering "chq" - the row is now gone even there is "chq" inside the text

    We are on myDBR 6.9.2 (build 5109)

    select '', 'Detail payment';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Fee type';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Pay type';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Teacher';
    select '', 'Daily summary by Classroom';


    select 'DBR.crosstab' as 'DBR.crosstab', 'Pay type' as 'Pay type';

    select 'DBR.hsum' as 'DBR.hsum', 'value' as 'value';

    select 'DBR.sum' as 'DBR.sum', 'value' as 'value';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Received by', 'Total';

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Detail payment';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from May-22, 2024 to May-22, 2024 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期) Account code 收款帳號:All' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ), \' Account code 收款帳號:\',arc';

    select 'dbr.css', '.content {zoom: 0.7;}';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Pay date', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Entry time', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Pay Ref', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Center', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Student', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Contact', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Name', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Schedule', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Enrollment/Sales remarks', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Account code', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Received by', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Course/Product', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'From', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'To', 'select';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Payment remarks', 'text';
    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Receipt remarks', 'text';

    select 'dbr.footerstyle', ' border: 1px solid gray;';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Pay Ref', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Entry time', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Student', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'ID', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Contact', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Grade', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Course/Product', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Name', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Schedule', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:200px;max-width:200px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Instructor', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:200px;max-width:200px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Class no.', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Payment remarks', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray; max-width:200px;max-width:200px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Receipt remarks', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray; max-width:100px;max-width:100px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Enrollment/Sales remarks', '[white-space:pre-wrap; border: 1px solid gray;max-width:300px;max-width:300px;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Account code', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Pay date', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'From', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'To', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Received by', '[white-space:pre; border: 1px solid gray;]';
    select 'dbr.hidecolumn', 'Date';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', '[value]', '[border: 1px solid gray;white-space:pre;color: black;]%.2f;[border: 1px solid gray;color: black;]%.2f;[border: 1px solid gray;color: red;]%.2f';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 80;
    select 'dbr.wkhtmltopdf', '--margin-left 5 --margin-right 5 --margin-bottom 5 ';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Cash', 'Cheque', 'Transfer';

    select '5454148' as 'Pay Ref', cast('2024-05-22' as date) as 'Pay date', '2024-05-22 21:04:40' as 'Entry time', '黃小敏 Huang Siu Man 迦密' as 'Student', 'KC003273' as 'ID', '85260936546' as 'Contact', 'S4' as 'Grade', 'DSE.JUN' as 'Course/Product', 'DSE JUNIOR ENG DSE英文專科(DSE.JUN)' as 'Name', '(New)逢五6:25 | 31697' as 'Schedule', '4' as 'Class no.', '2024-06-07' as 'From', '2024-06-28' as 'To', 'Stephen ' as 'Instructor', '' as 'Payment remarks', '6月入錯重入,jc' as 'Receipt remarks', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56' as 'Enrollment/Sales remarks', null as 'Account code', 'Jones' as 'Received by', 'Cash' as 'Pay type', -800.0 as '[value]', cast('2024-05-22' as date) as 'Date'
    union all
    select '5454146', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:54:27', '叶頌恩 Yip Chung Yan 石天中', 'KC001722', '85254256381', 'S5', 'S5.2M', 'S5.2M 中五數學專科(S5.2M)', '(New)逢一,五7:35-8:35 | 31695', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', '家朗 ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 1120.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454145', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:54:27', '叶頌恩 Yip Chung Yan 石天中', 'KC001722', '85254256381', 'S5', 'DSE.INT', 'DSE INTERMEDRATE ENG DSE英文專科( DSE.INT)', '(New)逢三7:35 | 31698', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454144', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:54:27', '叶頌恩 Yip Chung Yan 石天中', 'KC001722', '85254256381', 'S5', 'DSE.IC', 'DSE.IC DSE中五中文專科DSE.IC', '(New) 逢四6:25 | 31699', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454142', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:53:53', '區煒琳 Au Wai Lam 蘇浙', 'KC002866', '85256258582', 'S3', 'S32M', 'S3.2M 中三數學專科(S3.2M)', '(New)逢一6:25,六1:10 | 25493', '8', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', '家朗 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454141', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:53:53', '區煒琳 Au Wai Lam 蘇浙', 'KC002866', '85256258582', 'S3', 'S3.1/2C', 'S3.1/2C 中三中文專科(S3.1/2C)', '(New) 逢三 7:35 | 31653', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454140', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:52:31', '劉姵希 Lau Pei Hei 圓玄', 'KC002863', '85260978981', 'S4', 'S4.M', 'S4.M 中四數學專科(S4.M)', '(New)逢三,四7:35 | 31693', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1280.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454137', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:51:26', '黃小敏 Huang Siu Man 迦密', 'KC003273', '85260936546', 'S4', 'DSE.JUN', 'DSE JUNIOR ENG DSE英文專科(DSE.JUN)', '(New)逢五6:25 | 31697', '4', '2024-06-07', '2024-06-28', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454138', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:51:26', '黃小敏 Huang Siu Man 迦密', 'KC003273', '85260936546', 'S4', 'S4.M', 'S4.M 中四數學專科(S4.M)', '(New)逢三,四7:35 | 31693', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1280.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454135', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:49:05', '王希晴 Wong Hei Ching 保祿', 'KC003157', '85292271824', 'S4', 'S4.M', 'S4.M 中四數學專科(S4.M)', '(New)逢三,四7:35 | 31693', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1280.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454134', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:49:05', '王希晴 Wong Hei Ching 保祿', 'KC003157', '85292271824', 'S4', 'S4.C', 'S4.C DSE中四中文專科S4.C', '(New) 逢一18:25 | 31692', '3', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-24', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 600.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454131', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 20:44:00', '劉梓豪 Lau Tsz Ho 荔天中', 'KC001790', '85269978573', 'S3', 'S3.1/2C', 'S3.1/2C 中三中文專科(S3.1/2C)', '(New) 逢三 7:35 | 31653', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454097', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:51:49', '謝兆軒 Tse Siu Hin 千禧', 'KC002874', '85265330353', 'P5', 'P52M', 'P5.2M 小五數學專科package(P5.2M)', 'New逢三,五5:15 | 31671', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-28', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454096', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:51:49', '謝兆軒 Tse Siu Hin 千禧', 'KC002874', '85265330353', 'P5', 'P52E', 'P5.2E 小五英文專科package(P5.2E)', 'New逢二5:15 六12:05 | 31670', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Cathy ', '', '6月齊,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454095', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:51:49', '謝兆軒 Tse Siu Hin 千禧', 'KC002874', '85265330353', 'P5', 'P52C', 'P5.2C 小五中文專科package(P5.2C)', 'New 逢一 ,四 5:15 | 31669', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-27', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454081', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:42:08', '梁家朗 Liang Ka Long 荔天中', 'KC003031', '85268424292', 'S4', 'S4.M', 'S4.M 中四數學專科(S4.M)', '(New)逢三,四7:35 | 31693', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,chq760205(BOC),jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cheque', 1280.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454080', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:42:08', '梁家朗 Liang Ka Long 荔天中', 'KC003031', '85268424292', 'S4', 'DSE.JUN', 'DSE JUNIOR ENG DSE英文專科(DSE.JUN)', '(New)逢五6:25 | 31697', '4', '2024-06-07', '2024-06-28', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,chq760205(BOC),jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cheque', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454075', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:34:52', '馮卓昇 Fung Cheuk Sing 裘錦秋', 'KC003182', '85292190109', 'S5', 'DSE.IC', 'DSE.IC DSE中五中文專科DSE.IC', '(New) 逢四6:25 | 31699', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454076', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:34:52', '馮卓昇 Fung Cheuk Sing 裘錦秋', 'KC003182', '85292190109', 'S5', 'DSE.INT', 'DSE INTERMEDRATE ENG DSE英文專科( DSE.INT)', '(New)逢三7:35 | 31698', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454069', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:33:16', '李彥鵬 Li Yin Pang 全完中', 'KC002140', '85260368907', 'S2', 'S21E', 'S2.1E 中二英文專科(S2.1E)', '(New) 逢二,五7:35 | 31650', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-28', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454068', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:33:16', '李彥鵬 Li Yin Pang 全完中', 'KC002140', '85260368907', 'S2', 'JC.4', 'JC.4 初中中文專科(JC.4)', '(New) 逢四7:35 | 31648', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 720.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454059', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:09:49', '陳正樂 Chan Ching Lok 慈幼', 'KC003220', '85297754990', 'P5', 'P51M', 'P5.1M 小五數學專科package(P5.1M)', 'New 逢一,四4:05 | 31668', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454058', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:09:49', '陳正樂 Chan Ching Lok 慈幼', 'KC003220', '85297754990', 'P5', 'P51E', 'P5.1E 小五英文專科package(P5.1E)', 'New 逢二,五 4:05 | 31667', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-28', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454057', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:09:49', '陳正樂 Chan Ching Lok 慈幼', 'KC003220', '85297754990', 'P5', 'P51C', 'P5.1C 小五中文專科package(P5.1C)', 'New 逢三 4:05 六12:05 | 31666', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454049', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 19:01:42', '黃蕰靈 Wong Anya 保祿', 'KC002405', '85259806788', 'S1', 'JC.1', 'JC.1 初中基礎中文專科(JC.1)', '(New) 逢六3:20-4:20 | 31640', '5', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 900.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454005', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:33:19', '張夏榿 Cheung Ha Hei 安柱', 'KC002332', '85260717116', 'S2', 'S21M', 'S2.1M 中二數學專科(S2.1M)', '(New) 逢一 7:35, 逢六3:20 | 31651', '8', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454004', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:31:20', '吳奕霖 Ng Yi Lin 千禧', 'KC003202', '85260622908', 'P2', 'P2.1M', 'P2.1M 小二數學專科package (P2.1M)', 'New 逢二 5:15 | 31629', '4', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-25', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454002', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:31:20', '吳奕霖 Ng Yi Lin 千禧', 'KC003202', '85260622908', 'P2', 'P2.1C', 'P2.1C 小二中文專科package (P2.1C)', 'New 逢三 5:15 | 31627', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5454003', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:31:20', '吳奕霖 Ng Yi Lin 千禧', 'KC003202', '85260622908', 'P2', 'P2.1E', 'P2.1E 小二英文專科package (P2.1E)', 'New 逢一,五 5:15 | 31628', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', 'ENGTEAM ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453944', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:09:44', '鄧倍恩 Deng Beien Melody 主愛', 'KC002965', '85262632494', 'P5', 'P52M', 'P5.2M 小五數學專科package(P5.2M)', 'New逢三,五5:15 | 31671', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-28', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453943', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:09:44', '鄧倍恩 Deng Beien Melody 主愛', 'KC002965', '85262632494', 'P5', 'P52E', 'P5.2E 小五英文專科package(P5.2E)', 'New逢二5:15 六12:05 | 31670', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Cathy ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453942', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 18:09:44', '鄧倍恩 Deng Beien Melody 主愛', 'KC002965', '85262632494', 'P5', 'P52C', 'P5.2C 小五中文專科package(P5.2C)', 'New 逢一 ,四 5:15 | 31669', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-27', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453919', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:59:56', '王淑樺 Wang Shuk Wa 慈幼', 'KC003013', '85261776596', 'P5', 'P51M', 'P5.1M 小五數學專科package(P5.1M)', 'New 逢一,四4:05 | 31668', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453918', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:59:56', '王淑樺 Wang Shuk Wa 慈幼', 'KC003013', '85261776596', 'P5', 'P51E', 'P5.1E 小五英文專科package(P5.1E)', 'New 逢二,五 4:05 | 31667', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-28', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453917', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:59:56', '王淑樺 Wang Shuk Wa 慈幼', 'KC003013', '85261776596', 'P5', 'P51C', 'P5.1C 小五中文專科package(P5.1C)', 'New 逢三 4:05 六12:05 | 31666', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453864', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:30:16', '陳卓渝 Chan Cheuk Yu 石天小', 'KC003010', '85298575002', 'P6', 'P6.SC2', 'P6.SC2 小六主愛中文專科(P6.SC2)', 'New 逢三4:05 | 31686', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453865', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:30:16', '陳卓渝 Chan Cheuk Yu 石天小', 'KC003010', '85298575002', 'P6', 'P6.SM', 'P6.SM 小六主愛數學專科(P6.SM)', 'New逢四6:25 | 31690', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453866', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:30:16', '陳卓楠 Chan Cheuk Nam 石天小', 'KC003256', '85298575002', 'P4', 'P3/4.CW2', 'P3/4.CW2 小三四中文作文 P3/4.CW2', 'New 逢六1:10 | 31656', '5', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453850', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:21:02', '鄧淇峰 Tang Ki Fung 荃天', 'KC003179', '85268567089', 'P2', 'P2.1M', 'P2.1M 小二數學專科package (P2.1M)', 'New 逢二 5:15 | 31629', '4', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-25', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453849', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:21:02', '鄧淇峰 Tang Ki Fung 荃天', 'KC003179', '85268567089', 'P2', 'P2.1E', 'P2.1E 小二英文專科package (P2.1E)', 'New 逢一,五 5:15 | 31628', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', 'ENGTEAM ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453848', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 17:21:02', '鄧淇峰 Tang Ki Fung 荃天', 'KC003179', '85268567089', 'P2', 'P2.1C', 'P2.1C 小二中文專科package (P2.1C)', 'New 逢三 5:15 | 31627', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453753', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:48:21', '韓禮賢 Hon Lai Yin 慈幼', 'KC003276', '85297914177', 'P4', 'P41M', 'P4.1M 小四數學專科package(P4.1M)', 'New 逢三4:05 六11:00 | 31662', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453752', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:48:21', '韓禮賢 Hon Lai Yin 慈幼', 'KC003276', '85297914177', 'P4', 'P41E', 'P4.1E 小四英文專科package(P4.1E)', 'New 逢二,四4:05 | 31661', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-27', 'Celia ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453751', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:48:21', '韓禮賢 Hon Lai Yin 慈幼', 'KC003276', '85297914177', 'P4', 'P41C', 'P4.1C 小四中文專科package(P4.1C)', 'New 逢一,五 4:05 | 31660', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453733', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:37:31', '張梓彤 Zhang Tsz Tung 石天中', 'KC002860', '85263971555', 'S3', 'S32M', 'S3.2M 中三數學專科(S3.2M)', '(New)逢一6:25,六1:10 | 25493', '8', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', '家朗 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453711', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:28:09', '香梓浩 Xiang Zi Hao 石天中', 'KC003292', '85262716458', 'S3', 'S32M', 'S3.2M 中三數學專科(S3.2M)', '(New)逢一6:25,六1:10 | 25493', '8', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', '家朗 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453710', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:28:09', '香梓浩 Xiang Zi Hao 石天中', 'KC003292', '85262716458', 'S3', 'S3.2E', 'S3.2E 中三英文專科(S3.2E)', '(New)逢二,五19:35 | 31654', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-28', 'Celia ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453683', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:17:00', '黎嘉雯 Lai Ka Man 基真', 'KC002338', '85298387562', 'P5', 'P51M', 'P5.1M 小五數學專科package(P5.1M)', 'New 逢一,四4:05 | 31668', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453681', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:17:00', '黎嘉雯 Lai Ka Man 基真', 'KC002338', '85298387562', 'P5', 'P51C', 'P5.1C 小五中文專科package(P5.1C)', 'New 逢三 4:05 六12:05 | 31666', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453682', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:17:00', '黎嘉雯 Lai Ka Man 基真', 'KC002338', '85298387562', 'P5', 'P51E', 'P5.1E 小五英文專科package(P5.1E)', 'New 逢二,五 4:05 | 31667', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-28', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453673', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:11:27', '方致勛 Fong Chi Fan 千禧', 'KC003169', '85263536649', 'P4', 'P41M', 'P4.1M 小四數學專科package(P4.1M)', 'New 逢三4:05 六11:00 | 31662', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453672', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:11:27', '方致勛 Fong Chi Fan 千禧', 'KC003169', '85263536649', 'P4', 'P41E', 'P4.1E 小四英文專科package(P4.1E)', 'New 逢二,四4:05 | 31661', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-27', 'Celia ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453671', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:11:27', '方致勛 Fong Chi Fan 千禧', 'KC003169', '85263536649', 'P4', 'P41C', 'P4.1C 小四中文專科package(P4.1C)', 'New 逢一,五 4:05 | 31660', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453663', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:08:28', '容泳琳 Yung Wing Lam 慈幼', 'KC003069', '85268066223', 'P2', 'P2.2M', 'P2.2M 小二數學專科package(P2.2M)', 'New 逢二 4:05 | 31632', '4', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-25', 'ENGTEAM ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453662', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:08:28', '容泳琳 Yung Wing Lam 慈幼', 'KC003069', '85268066223', 'P2', 'P2.2E', 'P2.2E 小二英文專科package(P2.2E)', 'New 逢四 4:05 星六12:05 | 31631', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'ENGTEAM ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453661', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 16:08:28', '容泳琳 Yung Wing Lam 慈幼', 'KC003069', '85268066223', 'P2', 'P2.2C', 'P2.2C 小二中文專科package(P2.2C)', 'New 逢三 4:05 | 31630', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Cathy ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453626', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:56:14', '陳慧如 Chen Wai Yu 主愛', 'KC003137', '85266926732', 'P5', 'P5.SM', 'P5.SM 小五主愛數學專科(P5.SM)', 'New 逢四6:25 | 31682', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', '家朗 ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453625', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:56:14', '陳慧如 Chen Wai Yu 主愛', 'KC003137', '85266926732', 'P5', 'P5.SE', 'P5.SE 小五主愛英文專科(P5.SE)', 'New 逢三6:25 六11:00 | 31681', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Cathy ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 1530.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453627', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:56:14', '陳慧如 Chen Wai Yu 主愛', 'KC003137', '85266926732', 'P5', 'P6.SC2', 'P6.SC2 小六主愛中文專科(P6.SC2)', 'New 逢三4:05 | 31686', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453560', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:38:55', '古浠誼 Koo Hei Yee, Hazel 主愛', 'KC002481', '85263583360', 'P5', 'P5.SC2', 'P5.SC2 小五主愛中文專科(P5.SC2)', 'New逢五4:05 | 31680', '4', '2024-06-07', '2024-06-28', '揚善 ', '', '6月已交$80, 尚欠$600, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 80.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453559', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:38:39', '古浠誼 Koo Hei Yee, Hazel 主愛', 'KC002481', '85263583360', 'P5', 'P5.SC2', 'P5.SC2 小五主愛中文專科(P5.SC2)', 'New逢五4:05 | 31680', '4', '2024-06-07', '2024-06-28', '揚善 ', '', '6月未交齊,入錯,rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', -680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453549', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:35:08', '池曉琳 Chi Hiu Lam 聖若望', 'KC002916', '85268787303', 'P6', 'P6.SM', 'P6.SM 小六主愛數學專科(P6.SM)', 'New逢四6:25 | 31690', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453548', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:35:08', '葉梓凌 Ye Tsz Ling 聖若望', 'KC002871', '85268371948', 'P6', 'P6.SM', 'P6.SM 小六主愛數學專科(P6.SM)', 'New逢四6:25 | 31690', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453462', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:13:34', '李樂瑤 Li Lok Yiu 伍若瑜', 'KC002858', '85264891959', 'S3', 'S31M', 'S3.1M 中三數學專科(S3.1M)', '(New)逢二18:25,六2:15 | 25489', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', '家朗 ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 1350.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453461', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:13:34', '李奕羲 Li Yik Hei 千禧', 'KC002555', '85264891959', 'P4', 'P41M', 'P4.1M 小四數學專科package(P4.1M)', 'New 逢三4:05 六11:00 | 31662', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453460', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:13:34', '李奕羲 Li Yik Hei 千禧', 'KC002555', '85264891959', 'P4', 'P41E', 'P4.1E 小四英文專科package(P4.1E)', 'New 逢二,四4:05 | 31661', '8', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-27', 'Celia ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453459', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 15:13:34', '李奕羲 Li Yik Hei 千禧', 'KC002555', '85264891959', 'P4', 'P41C', 'P4.1C 小四中文專科package(P4.1C)', 'New 逢一,五 4:05 | 31660', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊,kc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Kyle', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453419', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 14:51:06', '官嘉兒 Guan Ka Yi 保祿', 'KC001343', '85296302489', 'S5', 'DSE.IC', 'DSE.IC DSE中五中文專科DSE.IC', '(New) 逢四6:25 | 31699', '4', '2024-06-06', '2024-06-27', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊,jc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Jones', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453356', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 14:18:48', '刁奕朗 Tiu Yik Long 石天中', 'KC003139', '85295186461', 'S1', 'S12E', 'S1.2E 中一英文專科( S1.2E)', '(New) 逢三,五 6:25-7:25 | 31646', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-28', 'Celia ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 1200.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453355', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 14:18:48', '刁奕朗 Tiu Yik Long 石天中', 'KC003139', '85295186461', 'S1', 'JC.2', 'JC.2 初中基礎中文專科2(JC.2)', '(New) 逢六 1:10-2:10 | 32365', '5', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', '揚善 ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 900.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453246', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:07:09', '古浠誼 Koo Hei Yee, Hazel 主愛', 'KC002481', '85263583360', 'P5', 'P5.SC2', 'P5.SC2 小五主愛中文專科(P5.SC2)', 'New逢五4:05 | 31680', '4', '2024-06-07', '2024-06-28', '揚善 ', '', '6月已交$80, 尚欠$600, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 680.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453238', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '莊雅雯 Zhuang Nga Man 千禧', 'KC003048', '85293400268', 'P2', 'P2.1C', 'P2.1C 小二中文專科package (P2.1C)', 'New 逢三 5:15 | 31627', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453244', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '朱凱旋 Zhu Hoi Shuen 伍若瑜', 'KC003278', '85266792812', 'S4', 'DSE.INT', 'DSE INTERMEDRATE ENG DSE英文專科( DSE.INT)', '(New)逢三7:35 | 31698', '4', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-26', 'Stephen ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 800.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453243', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '楊晨朗 Yang Chan Lang 千禧', 'KC003105', '85269128323', 'P5', 'P52M', 'P5.2M 小五數學專科package(P5.2M)', 'New逢三,五5:15 | 31671', '8', '2024-06-05', '2024-06-28', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453242', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '楊晨朗 Yang Chan Lang 千禧', 'KC003105', '85269128323', 'P5', 'P52E', 'P5.2E 小五英文專科package(P5.2E)', 'New逢二5:15 六12:05 | 31670', '9', '2024-06-01', '2024-06-29', 'Cathy ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453241', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '楊晨朗 Yang Chan Lang 千禧', 'KC003105', '85269128323', 'P5', 'P52C', 'P5.2C 小五中文專科package(P5.2C)', 'New 逢一 ,四 5:15 | 31669', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-27', 'Nora ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 710.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453240', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '莊雅雯 Zhuang Nga Man 千禧', 'KC003048', '85293400268', 'P2', 'P2.1M', 'P2.1M 小二數學專科package (P2.1M)', 'New 逢二 5:15 | 31629', '4', '2024-06-04', '2024-06-25', 'Jerry ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date)
    union all
    select '5453239', cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2024-05-22 13:04:40', '莊雅雯 Zhuang Nga Man 千禧', 'KC003048', '85293400268', 'P2', 'P2.1E', 'P2.1E 小二英文專科package (P2.1E)', 'New 逢一,五 5:15 | 31628', '7', '2024-06-03', '2024-06-28', 'ENGTEAM ', '', '6月齊, rc', 'Batch renewed on 自動續報時
    間2024-05-05 04:47:56', null, 'Renee', 'Cash', 570.0, cast('2024-05-22' as date);

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from May-22, 2024 to May-22, 2024 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'To define summer course or related product, put the keyword \'Summer\' in the remarks of the course or product setup' as 'To define summer course or related product, put the keyword \'Summer\' in the remarks of the course or product setup', 'comment' as 'comment';

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Fee Type';

    select 'dbr.summary.text', 'Date', 'Total';

    select 'DBR.sum' as 'DBR.sum', 'Course fee' as 'Course fee', 'Product fee' as 'Product fee', 'Total' as 'Total';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.hdr', 'Date';

    select 'dbr.summary.options', 'limit_summary_level', 0;
    select 'dbr.summary.options', 'skip_single_line_summary';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Summer/Non-Summer';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select cast('2024-05-22' as date) as 'Date', 'Non-summer' as 'Summer/Non-Summer', 58690.0 as 'Total', 58690.0 as 'Course fee', 0.0 as 'Product fee';

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 50;


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from May-22, 2024 to May-22, 2024 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Pay Type';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Pay type';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[value]';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Total';

    select cast('2024-05-22' as date) as 'Date', 'Total' as 'Pay type', 58690.0 as '[value]'
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Cheque', 2080.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Cash', 56610.0;

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 50;


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from May-22, 2024 to May-22, 2024 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Teacher';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Teacher (1st class teacher at pay time)';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[value]';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Total';

    select '', 'sp_DBR_payment_received_teacher_details', '[value]', 'popup', 'Center=(in_centerkeys)', 'inDate=Date', 'inDateType=(as_datetype)', 'inArcKeys=(arckeys)', 'inTeacher=Teacher (1st class teacher at pay time)';

    select cast('2024-05-22' as date) as 'Date', '揚善' as 'Teacher (1st class teacher at pay time)', 8560.0 as '[value]'
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), '家朗', 6750.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Total', 58690.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Stephen', 6530.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Nora', 8780.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Jerry', 16460.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'ENGTEAM', 2850.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Celia', 4530.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'Cathy', 4230.0;

    select '';

    select 'dbr.export.options', 'orientation', 'landscape';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'paper_size', 'A4';
    select 'dbr.export.options', 'zoom_scale', 50;


    select 'DBR.text' as 'DBR.text', 'Payment record inputted from May-22, 2024 to May-22, 2024 (According to entry date 根據輸入日期)' as 'concat(\'Payment record inputted from \',date_format(From_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' to \', date_format(To_date,\'%b-%d, %Y\') ,\' (According to \', if(as_datetype=\'E\',\'entry date 根據輸入日期)\',\'pay date 根據付款日期)\' ))';

    select '', 1;

    select 'dbr.subtitle', 'Payment Received History - Daily Summary by Classroom';

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Classroom (1st class classroom at pay time)';

    select 'dbr.column.filter', 'Date', 'select';

    select 'dbr.sum', '[value]';

    select 'dbr.crosstab.col', 'Total';

    select cast('2024-05-22' as date) as 'Date', 'Total' as 'Classroom (1st class classroom at pay time)', 58690.0 as '[value]'
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'B 旗艦總校', 11190.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), 'A 旗艦總校', 10720.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), '3 石籬分校', 22060.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), '2 石籬分校', 12250.0
    union all
    select cast('2024-05-22' as date), '1 石籬分校', 2470.0;

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Thank you for reporting the issue. This has now been fixed in the latest build.

    myDBR Team

  3. jasmondluk, Member

    thank you


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