Generate Direct URL

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  1. Vishwarup, Member

    We are using MyDbr premium license, We are facing problem while generating direct Url for a report.
    We have enabled "Access without login allowed via direct URL" checkbox in the report, but we are unable to get the data for the report.
    Below is the Url for the report.

    We have gone through the help that MyDbr provided in the below url.

    Can you guys please guide us and let us know how to generate direct Url for a report

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    It looks like you are trying to pass the email address to the inLogin parameter. The inLogin parameter is an automatic parameter, which means that it is automatically populated by myDBR. It is meant to be used in cases where you need to identify the logged-in myDBR user. For public reports, the user is always the same: MYDBR_WEB.

    If you want to pass the email as a parameter, add a new parameter to the report, for example, inEmail varchar(255). The parameter can be either protected or user-changeable. Protected parameters are included in the hash calculation and are shown as 'p' parameters in the URL (p1 being the first parameter). Public parameters are parameters that the user can change, and those are shown as 'u' parameters in the URL.

    So, if you want to use the email as a protected parameter (i.e., you will generate the URL), the URL should look something like this:


    The report should look like:

    create procedure sp_DBR_your_report(
    inEmail varchar(255)

    myDBR Team

  3. Vishwarup, Member

    Actually is the UserId, Inside the report procedure, we get the CompanyId from the UserId and show the data related to that CompanyId.
    We have multiple user in our application, what if we want to get data of a specific company, Do we need to send the CompanyId in the Proc?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you can derive the CompanyId from the UserId, it is a matter of convenience which one you use.

    A couple of questions to clarify what you are trying to do:

    • How are users authenticated inside myDBR?
    • Do you use myDBR Single Sign-On, or how are users logged into myDBR?
    • You are trying to pass the UserId (email address) to the report. Where does this UserId come from?

    myDBR Team

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you can derive the CompanyId from the UserId, it is a matter of convenience which one you use.

    A couple of questions to clarify what you are trying to do:

    • How are users authenticated inside myDBR?
    • Do you use myDBR Single Sign-On, or how are users logged into myDBR?
    • You are trying to pass the UserId (email address) to the report. Where does this UserId come from?

    myDBR Team

  6. Vishwarup, Member

    yes we use myDBR Single Sign-On,

  7. myDBR Team, Key Master

    So what is that you are trying to do?

    Identify the user running the report or what? If so, you can add automatic parameter inLogin to the report and it will be populated with user's login.

    If your application can also provide the CompayId, you can pass that in the SSO negotiation and define an automatic parameter for that.

    myDB Team


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