How can I create a link report and pass the parameters of year and the column title name when click on the numbers? Says, pass '2024' and 'New Center'?
select '', 'sp_DBR_client_statistic_details', '[Signed Contract]', 'popup', 'inYear=Year';
select '2024' as 'Year', 31 as 'Signed Contract', -10 as 'Terminated Contract', 37 as 'New Center', -24 as 'Terminated Center', 131 as 'Total Center'
union all
select '2023', 38, -3, 45, -3, 115
union all
select '2022', 28, -10, 33, -7, 73
union all
select '2021', 8, -5, 15, -3, 48
union all
select '2020', 3, -3, 3, -3, 35
union all
select '2019', 11, -5, 8, -3, 33
union all
select '2018', 15, -3, 13, -3, 28
union all
select '2017', 11, -3, 13, -3, 19
union all
select '2016', 6, -1, 5, -1, 9
union all
select '2015', 5, 0, 5, 0, 5;