Text change & Email send

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  1. Dev, Member


    I have two questions:

    1. Is there a way to customize the default text that appears when a report is opened, such as parameter prompts or user inputs?

    2. If we have multiple reports, is it possible to allow the end user to select a specific report and schedule it directly from the report page? This would include selecting a date and setting up the schedule for that report.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    1. Is there a way to customize the default text that appears when a report is opened, such as parameter prompts or user inputs?

    You can use your own CSS in user/userstyle.css.

    2. If we have multiple reports, is it possible to allow the end user to select a specific report and schedule it directly from the report page? This would include selecting a date and setting up the schedule for that report.

    You can create a report that does that. Save the user's data to a table and create a scheduled report that runs the requested reports and mail the output to the user.

    myDBR Team

  3. Dev, Member

    I have numerous reports. If a customer views a report and decides it would be useful to schedule it for themselves on a monthly or weekly basis, they should be able to use a drop-down or option list to set up the schedule.

    Our reports are filtered based on the tenant's location. I hope my question is more elaborate on what I am expecting as a view. Is there any way to do this? Thank you.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There is no exact such functionality, but you can do it yourself if you need one; the base functionality is there.

    What is the purpose of the running reports in background and emailing the output, why not just let user run the reports on monthly or weekly basis (you could send a reminder with a link to the report)?

    myDBR Team

  5. Dev, Member

    Thank you for the inputs. Ideally, we want users to receive operational emails daily/weekly/monthly basis (and pick which ones they want to be emailed among all the available reports) to a preferred email address and in format (PDF or Excel).

    Similar to the download PDF/EXCEL/CSV option, if there is an option that can be introduced such as 'Email Report' that prompts below, that'd be a great feature to add to mydbr!

    1. Email Address
    2. Frequency - Daily/weekly/Monthly etc..
    3. Format - PDF or EXCEL

    Any way to achieve this today?

    Thank you,

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Yes, as there is no built in functionality like this, what you need to do it yourself. Create a report that asks the needed parameters from the user, store values to the database and create a scheduled report that reads the data and executes the report user requested.'

    In order to add the functionality to the export manu, create the linked report link first and then use JavaScript to copy the link to the export menu.
    myDBR Team


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