Loading screen - Message displaying

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. Dev, Member


    I am trying to display a friendly message on a white screen that appears after clicking 'Run Report' and before the report results load. Ideally, the message would say something like, "Please wait, this may take a few more seconds."

    We've tried using CSS and AJAX, but these only seem to apply during the report loading process, not on the blank screen that shows before the results appear. Could you help us find a solution for displaying this message during that interim period/screen?


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Is the problem with the report being slow (i.e., the load time), or is it the amount of data in the report (affecting page rendering)?

    myDBR Team

  3. Dev, Member

    The amount of data in the report is large, so it happens. For smaller data ranges, it does not happen.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    That means the browser is receiving the data and rendering the content, and you cannot intercept this process. If you have a large report, consider adding a warning to the user in the parameter screen.

    Always assess whether you truly need such a large report or if it could be more effectively handled through linked reports.
    myDBR Team


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