
(5 posts) (2 voices)


  1. ajdjackson, Member


    I’m trying to import a csv but I’m receiving this error:

    Please select the file to be imported

    When running the importer I can select the file Upload.csv and its filename is displayed ok but once I hit the import button after a few seconds I see that error.

    I’ve created several importers previously without issue but I can’t see what I’m doing wrong this time.



    The Importer:

    create procedure sp_DBR_Vect_Zuru_import as begin

    select 'dbr.import.options', 'skip_header', 1;

    select 'dbr.import.options', 'format', 'csv';

    select 'dbr.import', 'sp_DBR_import_zuru_do';

    end go

    and the do-er:

    create procedure sp_DBR_import_zuru_do @inCreate_By varchar(50), @inLines int, @inSales_Org varchar(10), @inStorage varchar(10), @inStorage_Description varchar(50), @inCustomer_Code_Sold_To varchar(50), @inCustomer_Name_Sold_to varchar(100), @inCustomer_Code_Ship_To int, @inCustomer_Name_Ship_To varchar(100), @inCountry_Ship_to varchar(50), @inCustomer_order int, @ inCustomer_Order_Date date, @inZURU_Created_Date date, @inCustomer_Required_Ship_Date date, @inZURU_Sales_Order varchar(20), @inSO_Item varchar(10), @inDeliv_Note_No varchar(30), @inOrder_Quantity int, @inShipped_Quantity int, @inActual_Shipping_Date date, @inUnit_Price float, @inCurrency varchar(5), @inBilling_Date date, @inBilling_Document varchar(30), @inTax_Per varchar(5), @inTotal_Billing_Amount_No_Tax_included float, @inTotal_Billing_Amount_Tax_included float, @inCurrency_Total varchar(5), @inCustomer_Material_No varchar(30), @inZURU_Material_No varchar(30), @inZURU_SKU varchar(30), @inZURU_Material_Description varchar(100), @inCase_Pack int, @inUPC_EAN varchar(30), @inGTIN varchar(30), @inTransfer_to_Vector varchar(1), @inTotal_Amount_in_USD float , @inWEEK_NUM int, @inPeriod varchar(30), @inTax_charge_to_Vector varchar(1), @inPayment_due_date date, @inTax_Amount date as begin

    insert into [pharma].dbo.tblSales_Zuru values (@inCreate_By, @inLines, @inSales_Org, @inStorage , @inStorage_Description, @inCustomer_Code_Sold_To, @inCustomer_Name_Sold_to, @inCustomer_Code_Ship_To, @inCustomer_Name_Ship_To, @inCountry_Ship_to, @inCustomer_order, @inCustomer_Order_Date, @inZURU_Created_Date, @inCustomer_Required_Ship_Date, @inZURU_Sales_Order, @inSO_Item, @inDeliv_Note_No, @inOrder_Quantity, @inShipped_Quantity, @inActual_Shipping_Date, @inUnit_Price, @inCurrency, @inBilling_Date, @inBilling_Document, @inTax_Per, @inTotal_Billing_Amount_No_Tax_included, @inTotal_Billing_Amount_Tax_included, @inCurrency_Total, @inCustomer_Material_No, @inZURU_Material_No, @inZURU_SKU, @inZURU_Material_Description, @inCase_Pack, @inUPC_EAN, @inGTIN, @inTransfer_to_Vector, @inTotal_Amount_in_USD, @inWEEK_NUM, @inPeriod, @inTax_charge_to_Vector, @inPayment_due_date, @inTax_Amount



  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The 'Please select the file to be imported' error occurs when you attempt to perform an import but have not selected the file.

    Is the report in question a standalone report, or is it be part of something else that might clear the file selection?

    Do you see the "Upload.csv" as a selected file after you see the error message?

    myDBR Team

  3. ajdjackson, Member


    Yes - it’s a standalone report.

    I see the filename after I select it - before I click import.

    I then see:


    Please select the file to be imported

    Followed by Total Rows and Errors both 0.


  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Can you open a support ticket and include the Upload.csv file in in the ticket?

    myDBR Team

  5. ajdjackson, Member

    Just in case anyone else comes across this issue, Markus from myDBR pointed me to look at server logs.

    My issue turned out to be that the upload_max_filesize setting in php.ini was set too low. Once increased the upload went as expected.

    Great support as usual



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