Multiple dbr.record statements not working

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  1. maron, Member


    I'm trying to create multiple dbr.record variables for use in a template. The second dbr.record seems to overwrite the first one.

    select 'dbr.record','begin','history';
    select 'dbr.template','#ListItem';
    select concat(
    status, ": ",
    comment, " - ",
    date_format(created_at, "%H:%i:%s")) as text
    from order_history
    where parent_id = inOrderId
    and ( comment is not null or comment = "");
    select 'dbr.record','end'; -- select "{#history}"; -- this works
    -- select "{#history}" into @history; -- this doesn't work select 'dbr.record','begin','order_items';
    select 'dbr.template','#ServiceOrderItem';
    select name item,
    qty_invoiced qty,
    row_total_incl_tax price from orders
    where order_id = inOrderId; select 'dbr.record','end'; select '{#order_items}','{#history}'; -- only order_items works - history does not -- My template follows - but it will only show the last dbr.record variable

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can run the updater and try the latest build.

    myDBR Team

  3. maron, Member

    Works great now, thanks


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