My client's mydbr based system runs on very old mysql ver 5.6 installed as part of XAMPP package and I need to get it to at least ver mysql 8.X. Hence need your advice on how the best to handle mydbr product schema. I have 2 main schemas - 1) client's data schema 2) mydbr product schema where all my custom mydbr code lives and this code queries and updates data in client's data schema.
I would like to do things in the safest way and upgrade my 5.6 to 5.7 first, then i will be able to run mysql upgrade checker tool which is only available from ver 5.7 and onwards and it can show me what other potential issues I may run into while trying to move from 5.7 to 8.X.
I am thinking of the following approach.
1) full backup of my 5.6 mysql instance
2) rename 5.6 mysql dir to mysql.old
3) install 5.7 mysql into my XAMPP home dir and copy my old my.ini from mysql.old (old 5.6 home dir)
4) restore dbs from backups (client data schema and mydbr product schema)
My question - will existing mydbr installation initially installed on mysql 5.6 work against mysql upgraded to 5.7 as I described above?
Also, would mydbr installation setup with mysql 5.7 work "as is" against mysql upgraded from 5.7 to 8.X (mydbr schema backed up in mysql 5.7 and restored into mysql 8.X)?
I plan to try these upgrade steps in my test environment but would really appreciate some guidance on this.
Thank you very much!