Charting - Growth %

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. Dev, Member


    I am using the below mentioned query on chart to know growth % on a chart. But it doesnt seem to work.

    SELECT 'dbr.chart', 'Column', 'Growth Percentage';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'bargap', 0.5;
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector', '

    $declineColor = 0x33CC33;
    $growthColor = 0xFF1D1D;
    $arrowColor = 0x000000;

    for ($ds=0; $ds < $layer->getDataSetCount()-1; $ds++) {
    $fromVal = $layer->getDataSet($ds)->getValue($ds);
    $toVal = $layer->getDataSet($ds+1)->getValue($ds+1);

    $sameValue = $fromVal==$toVal;
    $percent = sprintf("%+d%%", round(($toVal - $fromVal)/$fromVal*100,0));

    $x = $c->getXCoor($ds)+($c->getXCoor($ds+1)-$c->getXCoor($ds))/2;
    if (!$sameValue) {
    $c->addLine( $x, $c->getYCoor($fromVal), $x, $c->getYCoor($toVal), $arrowColor,3 );
    } else {
    $c->addLine( $x-10, $c->getYCoor($fromVal), $x+10, $c->getYCoor($fromVal), $arrowColor,3 );

    if ($fromVal<=$toVal) {
    if (!$sameValue) {
    $c->addLine( $x+4, $c->getYCoor($toVal)+4, $x, $c->getYCoor($toVal), $arrowColor,3 );
    $c->addLine( $x, $c->getYCoor($toVal), $x-4, $c->getYCoor($toVal)+4, $arrowColor,3 );
    $c->addText($x, $c->getYCoor($toVal)-14, $percent, "", 8, $sameValue ? 0x000000 : $declineColor, TopCenter);
    } else {
    $c->addLine( $x-4, $c->getYCoor($toVal)-4, $x, $c->getYCoor($toVal), $arrowColor,3 );
    $c->addLine( $x, $c->getYCoor($toVal), $x+4, $c->getYCoor($toVal)-4, $arrowColor,3 );
    $c->addText($x, $c->getYCoor($toVal)+14, $percent, "", 8, $growthColor, BottomCenter);

    ', 'after';

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Could you please open a support ticket and include a full SQL export of the report (including the data)? Additionally, could you provide more specific details about the exact issue you're encountering?

    See a demo.

    myDBR Team


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