I am trying to conditionally format from the query data itself instead of using a calculated column in the dbr command. I want to apply conditional formatting to the columns from the query itself.
How can I conditionally format based on the query data itself?
For example, if the column 'Allocated' value is higher than the column 'Appts Check Outs', I want the value to appear in red. If it is lower, I want it to appear in green. The format below didnt work. Pls guide me on this.
-- Define the styles
select 'dbr.css', '.text_green {color:green}';
select 'dbr.css', '.text_red {color:red}';
-- Format data cells and the footer alike
select 'dbr.cellclass', 'Diff', 'color';
select 'dbr.footer.cellclass', 'Diff', 'color';
select 'dbr.sum', 'Value', 'Budget';
select 'dbr.calc', 'Diff', '[Value] - [Budget]';
-- Calculate the CSS class to be used
select 'dbr.calc', 'color', "[Value]>=[Budget] ? 'text_green' : 'text_red'";
Thank you