Checkbox type fo inline editable report?

(6 posts) (4 voices)
  1. duane, Member


    I notice that the documentation doesn't say that for inline editable reports that a checkbox field type is allowed (whereas radiobutton, text, textarea, select, etc are). Is this something just missing from the documentation or is it no possible in the current version for inline editable reports?



  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    checkboxes are not currently supported. Difference between the checkbox and other input types is that checkbox can return multiple values. We have it already in report parameters, just not in editable report yet.

    myDBR Team

  3. situ, Member


    Has this changed at all?

    I'm pulling reports with a number of results, the user then wishes to select a few and perform a bulk operation on the selected records.

    Is the concept of a checkbox available? My thinking is to place the selected id's in a table and lock them from other users and then have a another linked report list the ids and perform a bulk update.



  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can use a checkbox + bulk update in your report, but it will require some JavaScript. Also, securing the bulk action can be bit tricky.

    You might be better of by using's onclick event handling in each row and do actions one by one instead of a bulk update.

    myDBR Team

  5. ziuras, Member

    Can you give an example on:
    "You might be better of by using's onclick event handling in each row and do actions one by one instead of a bulk update."

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    See demo. with onclick is in the demo's "Editing example 3" / In Theatres-column.

    There is now also the checkbox editable type. Just see the same demo's "Editing example 6".
    myDBR Team


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