Error in database operation. Contact your admin.

(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. Last month we installed MyDbr. It was working pretty well for us. However today I log in to the main page and it just displays a page Error in database.

    So I log in to phpmyadmin with the user name and pass from MyDbr and that seems to be working correctly.

    So I look in the httpd\error_log log file. No errors.

    What am I missing?

    How can I fix this?

    Thanks in advanced John

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Most likely the easiest way to troubleshoot is to change:

    define( "SETUP_DONE", true );

    to read

    define( "SETUP_DONE", false );

    in mydbr_config.php. This will re-invoke the installer which contains necessary checks for possible problems. You can re-run the installer and it will keep all reports intact.

    myDBR Team

  3. The TODO lists the following:

    Current version of myDBR reporting objects was not found in the database.

    Please either issue following commands and click Retry

    $ cd /u/www/user/htdocs/mydbr/install/db_creation

    $ mysql -uuser -p --default-character-set=utf8 mydbr < mydbr_create_mysql.sql

    Enter password: ******

    However mysql already has such a database and I can query it with the username and password.

    Should I rerun the config program? If I do will it remove all the reports I have built?

    Thank you in advanced

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can always re-run the installer. The installer will keep all reports intact.

    Just check that the database is correct so that you do not accidentally install myDBR into wrong database.

    myDBR Team

  5. Okay.. I did that but now I have the following error.

    INSERT IGNORE INTO mydbr_reportgroups (id, name, sortorder, color) VALUES (-1, '#{MYDBR_AA_FAVOURITES}', 0, '00AAFF')

    MySQL error 1030: Got error -1 from storage engine

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Sounds like you have problems with your MySQL database itself. You can try to run same command from MySQL command line to see if any additional information is displayed. You should also check MySQL logs.

    myDBR Team


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