Export problems (started in 3.0 or 3.1)

(5 posts) (2 voices)
  • Started by brad@foreverybody
  • Latest reply from brad@foreverybody


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  1. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    Hi, one of the last 2 updates broke/changed some exporting features:

    1. CSV is now being separated by a ';' which is making it not work in excel. is there an option for separator i missed?
    2. all forms of export are stuffing php errors into the file making anything but CSV unreadable if the report generates any sort of PHP message.

    here is the error im seeing:
    Notice: iconv_substr(): Detected an incomplete multibyte character in input string in [redacted]\mydbr\lib\external\phpExcel\PHPExcel\Shared\String.php on line 566

    I dont know about fixing that warning but certainly myDBR shouldn't be putting that message into the file stream.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    for CSV export, you can specify the delimiter by setting the $mydbr_defaults['export']['csv']['delimiter'] value in mydbr/user/defaults.php. See the original definition in mydbr/defaults.php.

    For the iconv_substr notice messages, turn off E_NOTICE in your php.ini's error_reporting. E_NOTICE is better suited to the development environments as it produces error messages for non-critical errors and may help tracking potential source of errors. In production environment the default is that it's turned off.

    myDBR Team

  3. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    I do have E_NOTICE off in php.ini. none of my other php applications are outputting notices at all.

    from my ini: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

    double checked the ini path using phpinfo() and made sure that line isnt commented out. then i made a test script that would generate a notice and ran it and got the expected result of no notice. something in myDBR is playing with the error reporting settings.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There was indeed a setting which inadvertently set E_NOTICE on. This will be corrected in the next build. You can change the setting yourself by putting following two lines:

    $mydbr_defaults['error_reporting'] = E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE; ini_set('error_reporting', $mydbr_defaults['error_reporting']);
    into user/defaults.php.

    Thank you for reporting the issue.
    myDBR Tea,

  5. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    no problem, thanks for always being so quick to action.


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