summary lines not showing?

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  1. JMitchell, Member

    i have several calculated fields that are not showing summary lines.

    here is my report code:

    select 'dbr.sum', 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19;
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 6, 'round((c5/c4)*100,2)';
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 8, 'round((c7/c5)*100,2)';
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 13, 'round((c3/c11)*100,2)';
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 15, 'round((c22/c23),2)';
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 16, 'round((c14/c23)*100,2)';
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 17, 'round((c20/c23),2)';
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 18, 'round((c20/c21)*100,2)';
    select 'dbr.hidecolumns', 4;
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 6, '%.2f%%';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 8, '%.2f%%';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 13, '%.2f%%';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 16, '%.2f%%';
    select 'dbr.colstyle', 18, '%.2f%%';

    SELECT fa.user_id as 'Sales Person'
    , sum(queue_60_sec) as 'Inbound Queue'
    , sum(web_of_120 + inbound_120_sec + outbound_120_sec) as 'Web Overflow Calls'
    , sum(inbound_120_sec + outbound_120_sec + queue_60_sec + web_of_120) as 'Total Calls'
    , sum(deals) as 'Total Deals'
    , (sum(deals) / sum(web_of_120 + inbound_120_sec + outbound_120_sec + queue_60_sec)) * 100 as 'Close Ratio - Target >= 5%'
    , sum(backouts) as 'Total Backouts'
    , (sum(backouts)/sum(deals)) * 100 as 'Backout %'
    , sum(overflow) as 'Overflow'
    , sum(web) as 'Web'
    , sum(overflow + web) as 'Overflow/Web Total'
    , sum(web_of_120 + inbound_120_sec + outbound_120_sec) as 'Contacts'
    , (sum(web_of_120 + inbound_120_sec + outbound_120_sec)/sum(overflow + web))*100 as 'Web Overflow Contact Ratio Target >= 60%'
    , sum(over_18_mo) as 'Deals > 18'
    , sum(b.sumft)/sum(b.sumdeal) as 'Avg Fin Term'
    , (sum(over_18_mo)/sum(b.sumdeal))*100 as 'Deals > 18 months - Target <= 35%'
    , sum(b.sumdp)/sum(b.sumdeal) as 'Avg Down'
    , (sum(b.sumdp)/sum(b.sumcc))*100 as 'Avg Down % - Target >= 8%'
    , 1 as 'GP Bonus'
    , sum(b.sumdp)
    , sum(b.sumcc)
    , sum(b.sumft)
    , sum(b.sumdeal)
    from dw_auto.fact_activity fa
    left outer join
    (select fc.user_id
    , sum(fc.down_pmnt) as 'sumdp'
    , sum(fc.cust_cost) as 'sumcc'
    , sum(fc.fin_term) as 'sumft'
    , count(*) as 'sumdeal'
    , fc.activity_purch_dt as 'pdate'
    from dw_auto.fact_activity fa
    inner join dw_auto.fact_client fc on fc.activity_purch_dt = fa.activity_dt
    and fc.user_id = fa.user_id
    where fin_flag = 'fin' group by fc.activity_purch_dt, fc.user_id) as b
    on b.user_id = fa.user_id and b.pdate = fa.activity_dt
    where activity_dt between vStartDate and vEndDate
    group by fa.user_id
    having (sum(inbound_120_sec + outbound_120_sec + queue_60_sec + web_of_120) > 0 or sum(deals) > 0)
    order by 5 desc;

    as you can see im using the last 4 columns

    , sum(b.sumdp)
    , sum(b.sumcc)
    , sum(b.sumft)
    , sum(b.sumdeal)

    to calculate the values the prior columns

    , sum(over_18_mo) as 'Deals > 18'
    , sum(b.sumft)/sum(b.sumdeal) as 'Avg Fin Term'
    , (sum(over_18_mo)/sum(b.sumdeal))*100 as 'Deals > 18 months - Target <= 35%'
    , sum(b.sumdp)/sum(b.sumdeal) as 'Avg Down'
    , (sum(b.sumdp)/sum(b.sumcc))*100 as 'Avg Down % - Target >= 8%'

    the prior columns are missing the summary lines.

    do i have to have my last 4 columns to the left of the calculated columns for a summary line to show up? or am i doing something else wrong?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    By summary lines you mean summary row values?

    The method of using hidden columns as basis for calculation is correct. You however need to have value assigned to those columns.

    The line:
    select 'dbr.summary.calc', 15, 'round((c22/c23),2)';

    says that calculate the summary row for column 15 is calculated by column22 / c23 with two decimals. You have not defined what columns 22 and 23 contain, as there is no aggregate assigned to those columns.

    Depending on the formula you wish to use, you can, for example, add the hidden columns to dbr.sum-command.

    myDBR Team

  3. JMitchell, Member

    I see what your saying. I will correct that and let you know if it still doesn't work. You guys are the best


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