Report Categories

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jennifer808, Member

    I have a number of 'reports' that I consider building blocks for other reports and for the dashboard. I use these reports to generate user specific logos, etc. Every user needs to be able to use these building blocks in their reports but I would prefer they not see the base report (ie client logo). It looks sloppy.

    Is there any way I can hide the report or report category but still be able to use the reports embedded in other reports? I can't find a way to do this.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you are using the procedures as building blocks, so that they are not really reports, you do not need to name them with sp_DBR-prefix and you do not need to add them as reports. Just pick your naming scheme and just use the procedures.

    If you do have reports that you want to hide from users, put them in admin-only folder. These folders are not shown to end users.

    myDBR Team

  3. jennifer808, Member

    I think I do need the proceedures to also be reports as I am using them to create objects in the html header for the dashboard. In order to do that, I need use the url to the reports.

    The admin folder did the trick though. The client can't see them but I can still use them.

    Thank you,


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