skip_single_line_summary is not working?

(8 posts) (2 voices)


  1. Hi,

    I'm trying to suppress the summary line when there is only one item, and I'm not having much luck.

    I've tried both:

    SELECT 'dbr.summary.options', 'skip_single_line_summary';

    SELECT 'dbr.summary.options', 'skip_single_line_summary', 1;

    I've put both of those as the first and last statement in the block of summary statements before the main query with no luck.

    Am I not calling it correctly?


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    How does your header levels look like (dbr.hdr)?

    The syntax is correct, so it should work. The second parameter to the options defines the summary level to be suppressed.

    If you send us the simplified query, we'll take a look at it.

    myDBR Team

  3. I don't have any header levels set.

    Here's the beginning block for the report through the first line of the query.

    BEGIN DECLARE is_using_uuid BOOLEAN DEFAULT (in_uuid IS NOT NULL AND in_uuid != ''); SELECT 'dbr.title', 'T&C Ride Financial Reporting';
    SELECT 'dbr.text', IF(is_using_uuid,
    CONCAT('Filtered to Ride #: ', in_uuid),
    CONCAT('Filtered on ',
    IF(in_use_ride_date, 'Ride Date', 'Activity Date'),
    ': ',
    DATE_FORMAT(in_begin_date, '%d-%b-%Y'),
    ' - ',
    DATE_FORMAT(in_end_date, '%d-%b-%Y')
    END; SELECT 'dbr.summary.options', 'skip_single_line_summary';
    SELECT 'dbr.summarytxt', 1, 'Total Items ';
    SELECT 'dbr.count', 1;
    SELECT 'dbr.sum', 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37; SELECT rr.uuid AS "Ride #",

  4. So I tried doing

    SELECT 'dbr.summary.options', 'skip_single_line_summary', 0;

    with no effect.

    This report's data has no header levels to group on so I'm just trying to suppress the grand total row when there is only one detail row.


  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the skip_single_line_summary is meant to be used with dbr.hdr in cases where result set has single data rows for some of the header levels. skip_single_line_summary makes report more readable by removing the intermediate summary rows.

    Unfortunately skip_single_line_summary for now does not remove the total summary row, so you would just need to figure out the number of rows before setting the dbr.sum. We can see if the command could be extended to include also the total summary row.

    myDBR Team

  6. Okay, I understand.

    However, the main reports we want to do this for can be quite long running. So, executing the query twice just to suppress the grand total line isn't worth it.

    If it could be considered for a future release, then that would be great.


  7. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The feature is now active.

    myDBR Team

  8. Works perfectly - thank you very much!



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