myDBR 3.3 - "Sparkling wine"

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR Team is happy to announce the the availability of myDBR 3.3.0 release.

    This version is a maintenance release which also adds some new features.

    New features/improvements:

    • Added sparkline chart (inline chart) support
    • Active Directory synchronization allows importing current AD users and groups
    • Pie labels are now clickable in linked charts
    • wkhtmltopad PDF export headers now customizable
    • dbr.javascript option allows script to run after the DOM hierarchy has been fully constructed


    • A problem with Chrome and gz compressed javascript has been fixed
    • Improvements to skip_single_line_summary option
    • A problem with xlsx-export fixed
    • JSON support for exports in older PHP installations without built in json
    • A problem with connected paramerters has been fixed
    • A problem with wkhtmltopdf headers fixed

    As always, you can update to new version using the myDBR's automatic updater.

    Happy reporting,
    myDBR Team

  2. aescripts, Member

    Where can I find docs on how to use the new sparkline charts?

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Sparkline support is based on Gareth Watts' jQuery plugin and you can follow the instructions there for chart options.

    In myDBR you:
    1) Place the comma separated list into a column
    2) Give the column a class by using 'dbr.colclass' so that you can reference the column.
    3) Use a command select 'dbr.javascript', "$('.spark').sparkline();", 'onload'; to invoke the plugin (the 'spark' is the classname assigned

    To make a pie sparkline you follow Gareth's documentation and use:

    select 'dbr.javascript', "$('.spark').sparkline('html', { type: 'pie', height: '1.0em' });", 'onload';

    You can generate the comma separated lists in MySQL using GROUP_CONCAT function and in MS SQL Server for example with FOR XML PATH.

    See the myDBR sparklike in action with the source at demo:

    Sparkline demo

    myDBR Team


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