wkhtmltopdf - How to install & configure for mydbr?

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  1. -nth-, Member

    I'm attempting to get wkhtmltopdf up and running and not finding a good set of instructions on the installation and configuration.

    The main wkhtmltopdf installation is straight forward enough, but not sure if it requires an environment PATH statement update or an extension designation in the PHP.ini. OS is Win2008 Server R2.

    Any help is appreciated


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    wkhtmltopdf is a command line program that myDBR calls. The only thing needed for install is that PHP is able to find wkhtmltopdf in it's path. If the wkhtmltopdf is installed in a directory not found in PHP's path, you can define the command's location in user/defaults.php using:

    $mydbr_defaults['export']['wkhtmltopdf']['command'] = '\"Program Files"\wkhtmltopdf\wkhtmltopdf';

    To test if myDBR sees the command go to 'Environment settings' and see the 'Installed modules'. wkhtmltopdf is listed there as installed or uninstalled.

    myDBR Team


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