Check All button

(10 posts) (4 voices)


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  1. labber, Member

    It would be nice if there was a check all button when a parameter that uses checkboxes has multiple values.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can add All-checkbox as one of the checkboxes for the report.

    To have other checkboxes visually follow the "All"-checkbox clicking, that would require few lines of javascript.

    myDBR Team

  3. labber, Member

    How do we insert the javascript code into the page?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The Help-field in 'Edit Repot' accepts javascript. You can use jQuery's trigger event to toggle the checkboxes.

    myDBR Team

  5. adamhaeder, Member

    Can you provide an example of this? My sql skills are much better than my javascript ones

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    No need to use JavaScript any longer, just update to the latest release. It includes new options for checkbox-parameters.

    myDBR Team

  7. adamhaeder, Member

    That's great. How do I find out about these minor upgrades and the changelog for each? I thought I was running the latest version, and my system is in production now so I can't just do the 'automatic upgrade' without some planning.

  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We release the major releases in a cycle that is reasonable for those who maintain servers that are behind firewalls (e.g manual updates). These updates combine all fixes / new features and do include release notes, updated documentation and if required, example code.

    We do also release minor updates which do contain mostly bug fixes, but sometimes also features/tweaks requested by customers. If there are bugs fixed that we expect majority of users to encounter, we'll release a new version with update notification.

    Goal for the update is that you should always be able to update to the latest release and your old reports will continue to work without modifications. Any old version can be always be updated to new version and expect the reports to work.

    To do planned updates, just stay with the normal update request. If you encounter problems between the updates, you can contact us and we'll take a look at it.

    myDBR Team

  9. jreed, Member

    This thread is over a year old and it suggests there is a way to add a "Check All" option for checkbox parameters without any JavaScript, but I don't see how to do this. There is no option I can see to add such a button. Can you explain how to do this without JavaScript?

  10. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Check the 'Find'-option in the checkbox parameter query. If you have many checkboxes, you can also check the 'Scroll'-option.

    myDBR Team


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