You are not using myDBR just for reporting, are you?
Well - I like to consider it extended and interactive reporting :-) I see reporting as connecting and presenting data. By having all the database accessible via a single tool (mydbr) it allows me to do things that I would otherwise need a developer for and prototyping things. So for example:
a) You'll see from one of my previous posts that I was generating HTML invoices from data accessible from mydbr. It means I can report on their status and update things as the situation changes - and I can automate emails to email chasers to people when specific conditions are met (e.g. unpaid invoice).
b) I'm working on a reporting system for multiple NGOs and when I get their results, I'd like to add commentary (interpretation) to the report results. Doing this through-the-web page is the easiest as I don't need to go into the backend.
c) For both a and b, the HTML editor would make things much easier (e.g. customising the emails to people and adding interpretative analysis to reports)
d) The ability to upload a file (e.g. stored in the DB as I don't see these being large files like video!!) could be used in a few ways:
- provide more data to compliment the data already held
- allow people to upload other examples of how they'd like to see the information graphed (in a less messy way then emailing it to me!)
- enable people to upload photos for a personal profile
RE: Google Maps -
This would require coordinates to be known as Google is throttling the goecode fetching for most users. myDBR could do this for existing data.
That's reasonable - so are you saying mydbr can do layering or could do it? I'm thinking of situations where you can drill-down into spatial data and layers/levels of granularity are perfect for that.
Another idea:
- integrate a commenting tool (e.g. Disqus or a home-baked system stored in the sql DB) to allow commenting to be enabled on reports so people can ask questions and give feedback
Overall I see reporting as an interactive and social process - a conversation: data is explored and trail visualisations are made > decisions are made about the initial visualisations > reports are produced > people see them, ask more questions > reports are improved and clarified > and so on.
Also, there was no comment on -
A Google Charts extension so I can do motion charts, tree maps, venn charts, combo charts, and even QRcodes, etc.
- was this because you don't plan to do it, it is easy or you missed it?
Anyway - this was called a wish list. I'm already happy with mydbr and still aren't using even 20% of its capability - but since you are so good at listening and engaging I thought I'd put it out there :-)