Connection to Google Geo server failed (999)

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  1. aescripts, Member

    Using the example from the docs, I am getting this error when I try to use names. Works fine when using latitude and longitude coordinates. I've double-checked the google maps api key. Any ideas?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    When using Google Maps extension with names, myDBR uses Googles Geo service to convert names to locations. Make sure that your server can access the Googles service and that you comply the Googles usage rules.

    myDBR Team

  3. aescripts, Member

    As far as I can tell the server can access Google and I am not a lawyer but I seem to be complying with the usage rules. Is there a particular rule I should be looking for? Anybody else have this issue? Why would it work with lat and long coordinates but not with names?


  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The difference between working with lat and long coordinates but not with names is that in case of names, we need first to convert names to latitudes and longitudes. The service doing this is the Google's Geolocation service which has a simple URL form:

    What might be causing your problem is that your API key does not match your server's address as as seen by Google.

    myDBR Team

  5. aescripts, Member

    I run mydbr on a subdomain but had registered the key for the main domain since the page where you get the key says:

    Tip: Signing up a key for is usually the best practice, as it will work for all subdomains and directories. See this FAQ for more information.

    However, I went back and got a new key directly for the subdomain and now I no longer get the 999 error but the map gets stuck with a box and this text within it: Generating the map...

  6. aescripts, Member

    Thanks to some help from the myDBR team it turns out it was an error on my part. I had a mistake in my first parameter: dbr.googlemaps where it should be 'address' instead of 'coordinates'


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