HTML using data from table

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. SBurke, Member

    I know I'm missing something here, but I've been spending a while on this. So could do with a pointer.

    Essentially I want to turn this:

    SELECT CONCAT('\< a href="', page_url, '"\>URL\</a\>')

    (without the \'s)

    Into a valid link. Unless there is an easier way to handle a URL is a similar fashion. I dont seem to be having much luck with dbr.purehtml nor dbr.url.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you just want to add a link to report, without any parameters from your data, you can use dbr.purehtml like this:

    select 'dbr.purehtml', '< a href="">';

    If you wish to include parameters into the URL from your data, use dbr.url.

    myDBR Team

  3. SBurke, Member

    sorry I should of updated this. In the end I did just do pretty much that:


    Worked fantastically.



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