How to make parameteres optional ?

(2 posts) (2 voices)


  1. manishmalviya, Member


    I am using two parameters

    1. Date Between.
    2. Input box.

    When ever i click on the view report button. it gives me validation error. what i want is if i leave date parameter and input box parameter and click on view report button it should show me all the records and if i provide date between parameter it should show me all the records between dates, and if i provide input box parameter only not date between it should me the record which is passed in parameter.

    but the problem is when i am using these there parameters in procedure. it is showing error if i leave any of the parameter blank. it should show me error.

    How to make parameters optional?

    for example on your website in demo

    Go for


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    See parameter options. You will find Optional-setting there.

    myDBR Team


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