hidecolumns issue

(7 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. JMitchell, Member

    I have 4 columns that i sum on, 3 of which need to be hidden. in my 5th column (not being summed) i want to display the result of dividing 2 of the hidden columns. If i hide the 3 columns i get incorrect data. If the columns are unhidden the data looks fine.

    select 'dbr.crosstab', 3; select 'dbr.crosstab.col', mo, mo1, mo2, mo3, mo4, mo5, mo6; select 'dbr.hdr', 1; select 'dbr.sum', 4, 6, 7, 8; select 'dbr.colstyle', 5, '%.2f%%'; select 'dbr.summary.calc', 5, 'round((c7/c8)*100,2)'; /*coverages over total sales per month*/ select 'dbr.hidecolumns', 3;

    select v.generic as 'Generic' , v.description as 'Coverage' , concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) as 'Date' , count(1) as 'Deals' , (a.c / b.c)* 100 as '%' , a.c as 'Cov C' /*coverage count per month*/ , b.c as 'Gen C' /*generic deals count per month*/ , c.c as 'All C' /*all deal count per month*/ from dw_auto.client c inner join dw_auto.coverage v on v.plan = c.coverage /*count of coverages per month*/ left outer join (select c.coverage as 'cov' , concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) as 'd' , count(1) as 'c' from dw_auto.client c where c.clear_dt is null and c.current_status = 'Funded' group by 1, 2) as a on a.cov = c.coverage and a.d = concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) /*count of generics per month*/ left outer join (select v.generic as 'gen' , concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) as 'd' , count(1) as 'c' from dw_auto.client c inner join dw_auto.coverage v on v.plan = c.coverage where c.clear_dt is null and c.current_status = 'Funded' group by 1, 2) as b on b.gen = v.generic and b.d = concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) /*all deals*/ left outer join (select concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) as 'd' , count(1) as 'c' from dw_auto.client c where c.clear_dt is null and c.current_status = 'Funded' group by 1) as c on c.d = concat(year(c.activity_purchase_dt), if(month(c.activity_purchase_dt)<10, '/0', '/'), month(c.activity_purchase_dt)) where c.clear_dt is null and c.activity_purchase_dt >= '2012-01-01' and v.generic <> 'none' and c.current_status = 'Funded' group by 1, 2, 3 order by 1, 4 desc;

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    What is the version and build number you are using?

    Btw, what is the reason for the date conversion with concat?
    myDBR Team

  3. JMitchell, Member

    myDBR 3.2.0 (build 1347)
    Copyright myDBR.com, 2007-2012

    the concat is to get a group on yyyy/mm for our crosstab.

    It looks like there is a functionality 'gremlin' when you hide sum columns then try to display their sum value in summarycalc.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Why not update to the latest version 3.5.1? That should fix any problems you may have.

    The dbr.summary.calc / dbr.calc also calculates the column data if you pass NULL in the column, so you do not need to duplicate the formula.

    myDBR Team

  5. JMitchell, Member

    I'll update and let you know if the issue gets fixed. What do you mean by I do not need to duplicate the formula? I am using the summary calc on line 5 as a different calculation that the rest of the column. Column 5 data is col6 / col7, but the summary calc on column 5 is col7 / col8.

  6. JMitchell, Member

    i updated and i am still having the same issue

  7. JMitchell, Member

    I sent an email to support with picture examples.


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