No search and export on Pageview report

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. Gondwana, Member

    The search and export line is available by default within all of my tabular reports. But with my pageview reports it does not appear. I've tried select '', 1; Even that will not place the line in the report.

    Search would be nice. Exporting is required. I cannot rely on the export in the header because these reports are within tabs. The exported PDF should render the report only, not all the tabs.

    Is search disabled for pageview reports? If so, why must exporting also be disabled?

    I am running myDBR 3.5.1 (build 1540).

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    For now is is not possible to export pageview areas separately from the report. You can always export the report itself.

    myDRB Team


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