how to add styles to chart report?

(6 posts) (2 voices)


  1. manishmalviya, Member

    1. I want to change the size of chart and can we make charts horizontal scroll?

    2. i am able to save chart as pdf?

    3. how to add a single label to y axis?

    4. how to use image chart instead of flash chart?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    1. I want to change the size of chart

    dbr.chart-command has xSize and ySize parameters. See the documentation.

    and can we make charts horizontal scroll?

    How would you like this to work?

    2. i am able to save chart as pdf?

    Charts are included in the PDF export.

    3. how to add a single label to y axis?

    Do you have an example what you wish to achieve?

    4. how to use image chart instead of flash chart?

    Set the image chart as default in preferences or se the dbr.chart.option-command.

    myDBR Team

  3. manishmalviya, Member

    this is the link go to the link you will able see carts. go to chart no 4 on y axis scale suffix is used. instead of this i want to give a single label foe sec.

    one more query

    chart not showing all the records
    for detail go to chart no 4,5 and report given in the last
    as records in the report zaheer with casfung 2 time and with inem 4 time but in 4th chart its showing just 1 time for zaheer and casfung. same in 5th chart.

    here is the code for 4th chart

    'SELECT 'dbr.chart', 'MScolumn', 'Multi Series 2D Column';
    SELECT 'dbr.keepwithnext';
    SELECT 'dbr.chart.options', 'numberSuffix', ' sec';
    select tb.docFName as 'DocFName',
    concat(tbl.medTitle) as 'MedTitle',
    from dbedetailing.tbldoctormediatrack t, dbedetailing.tbldoctor tb, dbedetailing.tblmedia tbl
    where TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,t.dmtViewStart,t.dmtViewEnd)<>0 and tbl.medId = t.dmtMedId and tb.docId = t.dmtDocId and t.insDate between vStartDate and vEndDate

    and for 5th report

    'SELECT 'dbr.chart', 'MScolumn', 'Multi Series 2D Column';

    SELECT 'dbr.keepwithnext';

    select tbl.medTitle as 'DocFName', concat(tb.docFName) as 'MedTitle', TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,t.dmtViewStart,t.dmtViewEnd) from dbedetailing.tbldoctormediatrack t, dbedetailing.tbldoctor tb, dbedetailing.tblmedia tbl where tbl.medId = t.dmtMedId and tb.docId = t.dmtDocId and t.insDate between vStartDate and vEndDate;'

    and for the report

    'select tb.docFName as 'DocFName',
    concat(tbl.medTitle) as 'MedTitle',
    from dbedetailing.tbldoctormediatrack t, dbedetailing.tbldoctor tb, dbedetailing.tblmedia tbl
    where TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,t.dmtViewStart,t.dmtViewEnd)<>0 and tbl.medId = t.dmtMedId and tb.docId = t.dmtDocId and t.insDate between vStartDate and vEndDate'

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you will get much more functionality in the charts if you use image-based charts. Make sure you have installed the ChartDirector package to your server (license is included in the myDBR).

    instead of this i want to give a single label foe sec.

    Use axis title for this (is supported in image-based charts):

    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'axis', '', 'Sec';

    chart not showing all the records

    By default multiseries charts can only have a single value for each Category and Series -pair in your data.

    myDBR Team

  5. manishmalviya, Member

    is there any way to present all multiple records in chart.

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Charts represent the data to the user. User should be able to identify what the data value is for given Category and Series -pair. In your data Zaheer/Casfung-pair had multiple values so user would not be able to tell which value is which.

    What you are looking for is a third dimension to multiseries chart where you would say that value for Zaheer/Casfung/XX is 48 and Zaheer/Casfung/YY is 36. This is not currently supported.

    myDBR Team


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