Direct Access to the image charts

(10 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. bushraj, Member

    Hey ..

    I want to access image charts from my other application ,I 'm successfully able to do it . but for that i first need to access myDBr app and then it shows the image in other application . Other wise before first logging in myDBR the image in other application shows blank. I have use img tag :

    "img src="http://mysite/mydbr/report.php?r=11&m=7&h=be30d38eefd9fe58815989e32cec380ed834c4cf&i=1&getchart=1" alt="" "

    Then i have use the alternative way to embed the reports in webpages.. It works fine but if the user doesn't not have access to the report it shows the message 'No access Rights'. I don't want to show any message. If the current user have rights , it should show the image chart and if not it should display nothing...

    How to make it possible in both the scenarios . Please Help.

    Kind Regards.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    In order to check if user has access rights to data/report or not, you need to authenticate the user. If you are using myDBR within another application, you can do this with Single Sign-On. This way the authentication is seamless to the user.

    To have myDBR to return blank / image, check the credentials inside the report, as running the report which user has not access rigths will produce an error message. if you check the credentials inside the report you are free to return what ever you like.

    myDBR Team

  3. bushraj, Member

    I cannot use Single sign on in this scenario because I m not using these image charts in one application , I will be using charts in my multiple applications (and SSO needs one URL for re-direction)

    How to check credential inside the report? Can you please give me example how to do it?


  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    I cannot use Single sign on in this scenario because I m not using these image charts in one application , I will be using charts in my multiple applications (and SSO needs one URL for re-direction)

    If your report output is dependent on the user who runs the report, you need to authenticate the user somehow. The Single Sing-On is the easiest way to do this.

    How to check credential inside the report? Can you please give me example how to do it?

    You check user's login against your defined access rules. It really depends on your access rules how to do the check.

    myDBR Team

  5. bushraj, Member

    I have defined user which have access in report privileges.. Like for example
    Report A can be access by only User A ..

    Now how can I use it to authenticate it inside the report?

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Now how can I use it to authenticate it inside the report?

    Pass user's login into the report and check the login name against your rules in report code. See "Automatic parameter" from myDBR documentation.

    myDBR Team

  7. bushraj, Member

    Following is my my report code to generate the image chart . I tried to use automatic parameter but it still requires to login before showing chart in my different application.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_Escalations(inLogin varchar(30) )

    select 'User running the report is: ', inLogin;

    select 'dbr.chart', 'Pyramid3D','Escalations';
    SELECT Current_Process,count(Case_Number) FROM wf_frmwrk.tps_frmwrk_email_escalations_log where ( email_to_list like '%abc%' or email_CC_list like '%%abc%')
    and date(Date_Escalated) =curdate()
    and Current_Process='Awaiting'


  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you need to know who is running the report, you need to login to the system first. Otherwise myDBR has no way of knowing who the user is.

    If a person is already logged into another system, you can user Single Sign-On to automatically log the user in.

    To limit the access to the report you can either do it in report level ("users/groups A and B is allowd to run the report") or do the decision based on the data inside the report (if login='A' and other rules = true => show the data).

    myDBR Team

  9. bushraj, Member

    ok, thanks .. I dont want Report name to show on the page when embedding the report in my application . How can i hide report name?

  10. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR, by default, shows the report name as a report title. You can change the report title by using the dbr.title-command.

    myDBR Team


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