Hey i have query which gives count in integer like 386 . But when i run the same query in MyDBr it shows in decimal format like 386.00. Why this is happening ? My query is as follows :
select 'SOD Open Count',(
(SELECT count(*) FROM rpworkflow.all_issues_modified
where Current Status
not in ('close','Veritas Investigation Closed','','Not Submitted YET'))
(select if(dayname(curdate())='Saturday'||dayname(curdate())='Sunday','-',round(count(*),2
)) as SOD
from wf_workflow.app_delegation ad, wf_workflow.application a, wf_workflow.content c
Where a.app_uid=ad.app_uid
AND c.con_id=ad.tas_uid
AND c.con_value in ('submission')
and del_thread_status='closed'
and day(ad.del_delegate_date)=1
AND year(ad.del_delegate_date)=year(curdate())
AND month(ad.del_delegate_date)=month(curdate())
(select count(*) as EOD
from wf_workflow.app_delegation ad, wf_workflow.application a, wf_workflow.content c
Where a.app_uid=ad.app_uid
AND c.con_id=ad.tas_uid
AND c.con_value like ('%close%')
and day(ad.del_delegate_date)=1
AND year(ad.del_delegate_date)=year(curdate())
AND month(ad.del_delegate_date)=month(curdate())
) AS A
Please help .. Awaiting for your reply.