Hey ,
How can I change the preferences (Theme) of Direct accessed reports?
Hey ,
How can I change the preferences (Theme) of Direct accessed reports?
Direct accessed reports (reports that do not require a login) use the default theme set in Environment settings.
myDBR Team
How can we change the default theme then?
You can set the default theme in Environment settings -> Formatting defaults -> Theme.
myDBR Team
The theme is changing if I access the report after login. But it show the old theme/Formatting when i access it directly. Why is that so?
If user is not logged in, the default theme is used.
If the user is logged in, user's selected theme (Preferences in top right corner) is used.
myDBR Team
so how can we set default theme when user is not logged in? From same preferences?
You can set the default theme in Environment settings -> Formatting defaults -> Theme.
myDBR Team
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