How to increase the logo and font size?

(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. bushraj, Member

    Hey ,

    I m generating report in PDF format .. The logo and font is really small in pdf .. How can I increase the logo and font size in PDF format?


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You are using wkhtmltopdf? Are you using your own logo?

    The logo in PDF is printed out as big as it is defined. The default text size is 11px defined in mydbr/user/export_header_pdf.php. You can customize the header as you like.

    myDBR Team

  3. bushraj, Member

    Yes, em using wkhtmltopdf. And my own logo.. Where I can define it's size?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can either just use bigger logo (myDBR takes the logo as is) or change the output size of the logo from mydbr/user/export_header_pdf.php.

    myDBR Team

  5. bushraj, Member

    And how can i increase report data font size?

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR uses CSS for report style definition. To change the default style, you can use dbr.css-command (or define your own style in mydbr/user/userstyle.css) to set your own font definition.

    To set font size bigger both in report and PDF export use you use:

    select 'dbr.css', 'button, textarea, input, table, body {font-size:1.2em}';

    If you want to increase the font size only on PDF-export use media type definition.

    select 'dbr.css', '@media print { button, textarea, input, table, body {font-size:1.2em} }';

    myDBR Team


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