Here is what I currently have, and it works, but the org chart is REALLY wide, and I'm struggling with the graphviz options to change this. I know this is more of a graphviz question, but I thought some mydbr users might have solved this already. Thanks
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy';
select '', 'graph', 'compound=false, concentrate=true, center=true, fontname="Arial", defaultdist=.5, ranksep=.5, aspect=.5, rankdir="TD", aspect=0.3';
select '', 'node', 'shape="box", style="rounded", penwidth = 2, fontname="Arial", fontsize=10';
select '', 'cluster', 'shape=none, color=white';
select '', 'edge', 'arrowhead="vee", arrowtail=normal, penwidth = 2, color="#444444", ';
SELECT reports_to, CONCAT(lastname, ', ', firstname) FROM datawarehouse.employees ORDER BY reports_to;