Anyone have examples of creating an organizational chart with mydbr charting?

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. adamhaeder, Member

    Here is what I currently have, and it works, but the org chart is REALLY wide, and I'm struggling with the graphviz options to change this. I know this is more of a graphviz question, but I thought some mydbr users might have solved this already. Thanks

    select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select '', 'graph', 'compound=false, concentrate=true, center=true, fontname="Arial", defaultdist=.5, ranksep=.5, aspect=.5, rankdir="TD", aspect=0.3'; select '', 'node', 'shape="box", style="rounded", penwidth = 2, fontname="Arial", fontsize=10'; select '', 'cluster', 'shape=none, color=white'; select '', 'edge', 'arrowhead="vee", arrowtail=normal, penwidth = 2, color="#444444", ';

    SELECT reports_to, CONCAT(lastname, ', ', firstname) FROM datawarehouse.employees ORDER BY reports_to;

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you have many nodes at same level the chart will become wide as nodes in same level are kept in same line. If you want to keep the Hierarchy-chart there is no easy way around it.

    You can post the question in graphviz mailing list as it is an graphviz feature.

    Other options include limiting the number of levels shown in a chart or export the source code for the chart so you can post-process the file with application that can read the source code.

    myDBR Team


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