Report auto update?

(3 posts) (3 voices)


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  1. Kalle Ikkelä, Member


    What is the best way to automatically update / rerun a report at certain interval?
    Does myDBR have support for this?

    Thank you,

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    there are multiple ways of doing it. Really depends where you want the output to go and who to initiate the report execution.

    If you simply wish to have a report that automatically refreshes itself so that you do not have to push reload button in browser, place this piece of javascript inside report.

    select 'dbr.purehtml', '<script language="javascript">setInterval("location.reload();",6000);</script>';

    If you on the other hand want the myDBR report output to be sent via mail in the background, the easiest way is to use the mail-features of myDBR inside the report and have the report URL called from a crontab or Scheduled Tasks if you are using Windows.

    myDBR Team

  3. Philip, Member

    Current version has this command:

    SELECT 'dbr.refresh', 300;

    This means the report will refresh every 300 seconds.


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