Cookie Error on IIS7.5/Win2008R2

(8 posts) (3 voices)
  1. thelittleorc, Member

    I've installed IIS7.5 on my win 2k8 R2 server.I've copied over mydbr to wwwroot and set it up.
    The DB connection to MS SQL has been done successfully.
    However whenever I try to login using the dba/dba I get a login error:

    Check that your cookies are enabled.

    I've checked this on multiple browsers on different platforms and all give the error so I know its not a cookie enabling problem on the browsers themselves (other sites that need cookies eg: yahoomail works fine).

    Running phpinfo the following are the cookie settings obtained:

    session.cookie_domain no value no value
    session.cookie_httponly Off Off
    session.cookie_lifetime 0 0
    session.cookie_path c:\PHP\cookie c:\PHP\cookie
    session.cookie_secure Off Off

    Any pointers??? :S

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The error occurs when myDBR is not able to locate the created cookie which holds the session information. Either the cookie is not created or is for some other reason unreachable.

    Few things to check:

    1. What is the URL you are using to access myDBR. There might be a problem with the session path.
    2. Do you have a cookie named mydbr-id in your browser? What is the path associated with the cookie?

    myDBR Team

  3. atorreci, Member

    Hi ,

    I have experiences the same problem on a Apache2 installation.
    Futher info details are:

    Problem with configuration.
    Cause: Cookies cannot be accessed
    Suggestion: Check that your cookies are enabled and that the server session path is valid

    Script: /index.php
    Session path: \/

    I can check the cookie created in my browser but i don´t know where to change the strange value of session path (php.ini file does not contain that).


  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    I can check the cookie created in my browser but i don´t know where to change the strange value of session path (php.ini file does not contain that).

    You might want to try to move myDBR files into own directory instead of placing the files directly to the web-root. That should help with the cookie problem you are having.

    myDBR Team

  5. atorreci, Member

    You mean to move all the myDBR app into a diferent folder instead of web-root?
    But where? Cookies must be on the same folder as the application is???

    Cookies are created in C:\Program Files\Apache2\php\tmp (i checked myDBR cookie is created there each time i try to login and it is normal as the sessio_save_path is set to that on php.ini) and the myDBR files are C:\Program Files\Apache2\htdocs\myDBR

    Where is the move???

    Thanks in advance...

    PD= There is no file-permission mistakes.

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You say that and the myDBR files are C:\Program Files\Apache2\htdocs\myDBR. Normally the myDBR index.php would then be in /myDBR/index.php, but your error message says that myDBR index.php script is located at /index.php. This means that myDBR files are directly in web root and not in a myDBR subdirectory visible to Apache.

    What is your DocumentRoot in Apache? it should not include the myDBR directory.

    myDBR Team

  7. atorreci, Member

    My DocumentRoot is C:\Program Files\Apache2\htdocs\myDBR

    I use Apache VirtualHost, and for myDBR virtualhost i setup that DocumentRoot. That is the reason it says "Script: /index.php".

    Should i change it to C:\Program Files\Apache2\htdocs\ and therefore call my app by "http://<myserver>/myDBR/index.php????

  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Yes, that should solve the problem. Alternatively, if you wish to keep the existing DocumentRoot, just create another dirctory under myDBR directory and place myDBR files there.

    myDBR loses the track of the cookie in 2.1 running on Windows server if the myDBR files are in DocumentRoot. This has been fixed in upcoming version.

    myDBR Team


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