Subtitles /Headings formatting

(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. bushraj, Member


    I want to display heading or subtitle like this

    PS Team TAT: (Online :4.5 Hours, Offline : 7 hours)

    Dev Team TAT: (Online :4 Hours, Offline : 5.5 hours)

    but it is showing like

    Temporary Solution: PS Team TAT: (Online :6.5 Hours, Offline : 8 hours) Dev Team TAT: (Online :6 Hours, Offline : 6.5 hours)

    How can i display it in the correct form using 'dbr.subtitle' command.



  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You might want to consider using dbr.text to display the textual data. If you really want to put it into the title / subtitle, update to the latest build and use dbr.purehtml: with dbr.title/dbr.subtitle.

    myDBR Team

  3. bushraj, Member

    How to use it can u provide some example . I have upgraded it to the latest version


  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Please see myDBR documentation which shows examples how to use dbr.purehtml:.

    myDBR Team

  5. bushraj, Member

    how to use dbr.purehtml with dbr.subtitle?

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR includes two ways using HTML inside your report elements.

    1) dbr.purehtml -command allows you to put HTML directly into your report unrelated to any report data query.
    2) dbr.purehtml: -syntax on the other hand allows you to put HTML inside a myDBR command or into a report element.

    Please check the use of "dbr.purehtml:" from the documentation.

    myDBR Team


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