I'm connecting to a remote MS SQL Server database from my local computer over a vpn. I was able to make it through the setup until the very end and then it throws out the following error:
DB error SQLSTATE: 42000, code: 2812
message: message: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'sp_MyDBR_MyReportCount'.
SQL: sp_MyDBR_MyReportCount
I've searched quite extensively and haven't been able to locate any information that was helpful to my issue. This is my first setup and I verified everything was where it needed to be from what I could tell. The installation was successful in creating the stored procedures themselves but then wasn't able to call them.
Can anyone provide me with some direction or insight? I'm stumped?
// myDBR configuration file. Created: 2012-12-01 20:14:25
define( "DB_VENDOR", 'sqlsrv' );
define( "DB_HOST", 'btdbhub' );
define( "DB_PORT", NULL );
define( "DB_NAME", 'myDBR' );
define( "DB_USER", 'jluth' );
define( "DB_PASSWORD", '' );
define( "SETUP_DONE", true );
Checking PHP Version OK
PHP version 5.3.18 found.
Checking Database PHP Extensions OK
mysqli - PHP Extension for MySQL INSTALLED
mssql - PHP Extension SQL Server, Sybase ASE and SQL Anywhere NOT INSTALLED
sqlsrv - Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server INSTALLED
You will be able to connect to:
- Microsoft SQL Server
Checking file permissions OK
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mydbr/mydbr_config.php is writable.
Report database setup
Checking database connection OK
Database myDBR connection tested successfully.
Checking database version OK
Found Microsoft SQL Server version: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) (Intel X86)
Checking if database exists OK
Database myDBR existence verified successfully.
Checking if myDBR reporting objects exist OK
myDBR reporting objects validated successfully.