Dynamic totals in filtered table

(2 posts) (2 voices)
  1. wimcoe, Member

    I love your product and use it everywhere I can now ;)

    I've been looking at this previous request:
    Is it possible to have dbr.sum work on a filtered report?

    Is there a way to show dynamic totals manually right now? Where the total is updated when a filter is applied? I've been looking at doing it using jQuery, showing averages over the visible items in a column of a table, but have had no luck.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Doing calculation dynamically is not (yet) supported as myDBR summary calculations can contain much more complex logic than just simple summary.

    If you have a simple report, calculating the average itself in jQuery is quite straightforward, but the optimal solution really depends on your case.

    myDBR Team


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