I have problem with callback. i have 3 editable columns MinK, UzsK, noEditColumn, Is1
and after each edit i update all 3 columns.
Update with callback are working, but after editing one row for few times the editable cells of this row are locked and i can not edit it.
callback functions:
function MinCallBack(value, settings)
var o = jQuery.parseJSON(value);
col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex+1, 0, o.MinK );
col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex+2, 0, o.UzsK );
col_value_text( this, this.cellIndex+4, o.Is1 );
} ";
select 'dbr.javascript', "
function UzsCallBack(value, settings)
var o = jQuery.parseJSON(value);
col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex, 0, o.MinK );
col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex+1, 0, o.UzsK );
col_value_text( this, this.cellIndex+3, o.Is1 );
} ";
select 'dbr.javascript', "
function Is1CallBack(value, settings)
var o = jQuery.parseJSON(value);
col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex-2, 0, o.MinK );
col_value_set( this, this.cellIndex-1, 0, o.UzsK );
col_value_text( this, this.cellIndex+1, o.Is1 );
} ";