How do display only the the download/export button in the report header.

(2 posts) (2 voices)
  1. shem, Member

    in myDBR how do I specify which parts of the report header are displayed?
    Specifically I don't want the word myDBR nor any of the other buttons to appear in the header.
    But I do want the download/export drop down button to appear.
    When I try adding to the URL "&hdr=0" it removes the entire header including the download/export button

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The buttons are shown to the admins. Normal users see only the export dropdown.

    If you want to remove the myDBR logo or customize it, the default value comes from user/reportheader.html. You are free to mody this file.

    If you are using the OEM license, you can show custom logo based on user organization (or cased on any other automatic parameter value). See the documentation.

    myDBR Team


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