myDBR Forums » shem » Profile

shem (shem)

Member Since
May 9, 2023 (1 year)

User Activity

Recent Replies

  1. Displaying an Integer column without separating commas - while maintaining sorting as an integer - User last replied: 1 week ago | No replies since
  2. Sorting works sometimes but not always - column sort on link at top of column - User last replied: 1 month ago | Most recent reply: 1 month ago
  3. 2D Stacked Column - How can I display just the two stacks with totals and not sum of the two totals? - User last replied: 1 month ago | No replies since
  4. possible bug: Export (report with Pie Chart) to CSV - User last replied: 3 months ago | Most recent reply: 3 months ago
  5. Collation issues - User last replied: 3 months ago | Most recent reply: 3 months ago
  6. Setting tablestyle or the font size of the output data for an entire table grid - User last replied: 3 months ago | No replies since
  7. installed php 8.12 and Source guardian 14.0.2 and - User last replied: 4 months ago | Most recent reply: 4 months ago
  8. Having trouble with Simple Crosstab - User last replied: 5 months ago | Most recent reply: 5 months ago
  9. excel export numbers that look like a number, into data type number for storage - User last replied: 5 months ago | Most recent reply: 5 months ago
  10. Question about '2D Stacked Bar' tooltip - User last replied: 8 months ago | No replies since
  11. myDBR Update from 6.7.0 (build 4947) to 6.7.2 (build 4972) seems to have caused a problem using cURL - User last replied: 8 months ago | No replies since
  12. dbr.button : Can it generate an indicator for "Report running" - User last replied: 9 months ago | Most recent reply: 9 months ago
  13. About / Update problem - User last replied: 9 months ago | Most recent reply: 9 months ago
  14. Referencing mydbr from another server - anything special I need to know. - User last replied: 10 months ago | No replies since
  15. Excel export Orange border - User last replied: 11 months ago | No replies since
  16. Does Pie Chart conflict with landscape? - User last replied: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  17. Synchronization script renamed my folder. Is that suppose to happen. - User last replied: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  18. How can I keep Summary when clicking a button to display details? - User last replied: 11 months ago | No replies since
  19. dbr.toggle - Can I get the resulting columns displayed, to be the only ones exported to PDF? - User last replied: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  20. Embedded report with 4000 grid rows (and a pie chart) causing browser to not respond for 2 minutes - User last replied: 11 months ago | No replies since
  21. Request for simple feature on the Synchronization page - User last replied: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  22. Important Production installation question - directory name/location - User last replied: 11 months ago | No replies since
  23. Does myDBR work with sha2 (sha-2) or only sha1 - User last replied: 1 year ago | No replies since
  24. SSO Server URL isn't being targeted on my Local Virtual Machine - User last replied: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  25. PDF Export problems caused by upgrading mydbr from 6.6.1 to 6.6.2 - User last replied: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  26. Environment settings for OEM License - User last replied: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  27. wkhtmltopdf conflicting with chart.scale - User last replied: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  28. Can I retrieve the name of the current report being run from within the stored procedure? - User last replied: 1 year ago | No replies since
  29. Manipulating the Column name in the Header of the Grid table - User last replied: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  30. PDF handle and Automatic download - User last replied: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago

Topics Started

  1. Displaying an Integer column without separating commas - while maintaining sorting as an integer - Started: 1 week ago | Most recent reply: 1 week ago
  2. Sorting works sometimes but not always - column sort on link at top of column - Started: 1 month ago | Most recent reply: 1 month ago
  3. 2D Stacked Column - How can I display just the two stacks with totals and not sum of the two totals? - Started: 1 month ago | Most recent reply: 1 month ago
  4. possible bug: Export (report with Pie Chart) to CSV - Started: 3 months ago | Most recent reply: 3 months ago
  5. Collation issues - Started: 3 months ago | Most recent reply: 3 months ago
  6. Setting tablestyle or the font size of the output data for an entire table grid - Started: 3 months ago | Most recent reply: 3 months ago
  7. installed php 8.12 and Source guardian 14.0.2 and - Started: 4 months ago | Most recent reply: 4 months ago
  8. Having trouble with Simple Crosstab - Started: 5 months ago | Most recent reply: 5 months ago
  9. excel export numbers that look like a number, into data type number for storage - Started: 5 months ago | Most recent reply: 5 months ago
  10. Question about '2D Stacked Bar' tooltip - Started: 8 months ago | Most recent reply: 8 months ago
  11. myDBR Update from 6.7.0 (build 4947) to 6.7.2 (build 4972) seems to have caused a problem using cURL - Started: 8 months ago | Most recent reply: 8 months ago
  12. dbr.button : Can it generate an indicator for "Report running" - Started: 9 months ago | Most recent reply: 9 months ago
  13. About / Update problem - Started: 9 months ago | Most recent reply: 9 months ago
  14. Referencing mydbr from another server - anything special I need to know. - Started: 10 months ago | Most recent reply: 10 months ago
  15. Excel export Orange border - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  16. Does Pie Chart conflict with landscape? - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  17. Synchronization script renamed my folder. Is that suppose to happen. - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  18. How can I keep Summary when clicking a button to display details? - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  19. dbr.toggle - Can I get the resulting columns displayed, to be the only ones exported to PDF? - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  20. Embedded report with 4000 grid rows (and a pie chart) causing browser to not respond for 2 minutes - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  21. Request for simple feature on the Synchronization page - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  22. Important Production installation question - directory name/location - Started: 11 months ago | Most recent reply: 11 months ago
  23. Does myDBR work with sha2 (sha-2) or only sha1 - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  24. SSO Server URL isn't being targeted on my Local Virtual Machine - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  25. PDF Export problems caused by upgrading mydbr from 6.6.1 to 6.6.2 - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  26. Environment settings for OEM License - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  27. wkhtmltopdf conflicting with chart.scale - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  28. Manipulating the Column name in the Header of the Grid table - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  29. Can I retrieve the name of the current report being run from within the stored procedure? - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago
  30. PDF handle and Automatic download - Started: 1 year ago | Most recent reply: 1 year ago