How can I use dbr.sum on a column which I converted to a string by concating with a dollar sign?

(3 posts) (2 voices)
  1. shem, Member

    I wanted the values in the rows to be prefixed with a dollar sign, and at the same time to use dbr.sum to show totals at the bottom of the column.
    I am getting the following error:
    The command dbr.sum uses column "Amount Promised" which is not numeric (it's char). Non-numeric data prevented the calculation
    The command dbr.sum uses column "Amount Collected" which is not numeric (it's char). Non-numeric data prevented the calculation.

    Here is my code

        select 'dbr.sum',
    'Amount Promised',
    'Amount Collected'
    SELECT `Collector Name` AS 'Collector Name',
    CONCAT('$', SUM(`Amount Promised`)) AS 'Amount Promised',
    CONCAT('$', SUM(`Amount Collected`)) AS 'Amount Collected'
    FROM tmp_table_ptp
    GROUP BY `Collector Name`
    ORDER BY `Amount Promised` DESC;

    p.s. I am using myDBR 6.9.4 (build 5133), and while one machine causes this error, another machine with the exact same build does not.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    when you use CONCAT('$', SUM(`Amount Promised`)), it will turn a numeric column to character column. This will change behavior of the column (calculations, sorting etc).

    Instead of changing the datatype, use the dbr.colstyle to change the appearance of the column:

    If the column is an integer:

    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Amount Promised', 'Amount Collected', '$ %d';

    or if you have decimals:

    select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Amount Promised', 'Amount Collected', '$ %.2f';

    myDBR Team

  3. shem, Member



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